
The future will be an exciting place, according to movies! We'll all be driving around in sleek, hyper-efficient cars that also fly. Or they'll be re-bodied 1980s cars, like in Back to the Future II's take on the far-flung futureyear of 1985.

This is not that uncommon in luxury retail, and at some level, I get it. But, why talk about it? Why announce it like anyone cares? That makes it so much worse than it is.

Why is he so down in the dumps?


Things I don't like: There's no integrated navigation system available, even as an option, in this day and age. That's kind of weird. But I've got my phone, so I guess that's alright. Oh, and the blind spots are approximately ten times bigger than the car itself. And the leather could be softer, if I'm being really

Ludicrous legal claims? This seems a little one-sided. Given that some of the drivers were stupid for not wearing seat belts and DUI, what driver behaviors should change to account for an unknown defect in your car? What level of "common sense" would prepare you for your car shutting off and your airbags failing to

Is the van driving in reverse?

Fair enough, I suppose we'll have to see if it shows up on other BMWs. It just seems tacked on.


I still don't understand the silver mirror caps. This is such an Audi thing that I can't believe BMW would choose to do the same.

Great lessons here:

Euro Golf R front seats x 4


Not ketchup or "Coke Light"

I don't see how competing in NASCAR fits into the Subaru customer demographic. I would guess that there's very little alignment between the beliefs and values of the typical Subaru customer and those of the typical NASCAR fan.

9.) Mazda3

"This Musk guy, he wants all the profits for himself," says Tom Dougherty, a 25-year veteran of the business who now works in sales at the BMW dealership in upscale Princeton, New Jersey. "They wanted to go direct, which means no sales force. That's cutting out a lot of people. No way that's gonna fly."

The accident, which happened in 2006, involved the driver making a lane change in his 1998, Garfield-equipped Mustang and not seeing the victim crossing the street. The accident caused multiple injuries to the woman, who remained disabled until she passed of natural causes in 2010.

It's been more than a week and they're just doing background checks on crew and passengers now?

Works for winter mode too