
I sort of got the slack people were willing to cut Tesla twelve years ago when the Model S was introduced. They were trying to shake up the way cars were built, sold, and used. What Tesla was doing was hard.

Cybertruck Stans are a weird bunch. They act like the CT is some strange new alien technology that just fell out of the sky and landed in Tesla’s lap, which then decided to sell it on to customers. It’s no-one’s fault the thing keeps breaking! We just haven’t figured out this exotic new technology yet! As soon as

Not enough micro transactions...yet

You don’t need to be rich to buy a CyberTruck. You can just live in Mom’s basement and be willing to be in debt for 7-8 years.

“Hey, I love the company, I love the truck, it’s my dream truck. But just give me a new truck. Please.”

This right here is the problem.

There is not a single corporate or business entity I love. Not a one. No company I’ve ever worked for, nor any company that I am a regular consumer of their products or services. Our

If I were GIFTED a Tesla, I’d sell it and buy a Hyundai. 

And people think VW’s are unreliable....

Oh of course. I was laughing as I was writing it. None of this behavior is normal or ok.

More reasons that I will probably never buy an electric car from Tesla. Porsche, Polestar, hell even Hyundai has better quality than Tesla.

On the other hand, we finally have an answer to the question, “What if EA made cars?” Not that anyone ever thought to ask it, but hey, now we know.

“Fanboy finally criticizes Tesla”

A few cents from the other side of the big pond.

Cause there ain’t enough cheap cars to drive the price down, and a bunch of people really need a cheap car driving up demand?

I agree. The proposed change is useful for fleet or government regulatory use, but not terribly useful for the great majority of individuals in the real world who would be comparing cars within a similar category and, even if they were looking at vehicles on such different ends of the spectrum, it would be quite a

Sometimes this site makes me want to be mean.

I read it, but maybe it’s me and everyone I know that realizes that 10 or 15 mpg is bad. And always doing the quick math of “if I put X gallons in right now, I can drive Y miles. I went from an expedition to a camry, and I know that 5 gallons will get me through the week now, where as before, 5 gallons would only give

This framing plays on a fallacy of its own, the false analogy. Presenting economy numbers is for the purpose of comparing one car against another, not for comparing one replacement scenario against another completely different replacement scenario.

I’d rather see something like average range per tank, and gallons per tank. That’s two measures that actually mean something to me, in real world use. How many gallons per tank tells me how much I can expect per fill up, and estimated average range would let me estimate how often I would need to fill up, with my

Why do all the links in the beginning of the story not link to anything related to this story...?

Also, charging has to be MUCH faster than it is.