I'm surprised he didn't paint it black and blue ... like he did to Rhianna.
I'm surprised he didn't paint it black and blue ... like he did to Rhianna.
The answer is always Miata.
#7: that was an excellent recovery!
This is so Jalop it hurts.
Watch A 2013 SRT Viper Absolutely Destroy A Drag Strip
I guess it's time I stop watching Top Gear.
Was part of the Ferrari 458 vs F430 comparson/review. Series 15, episode 6.
...and MOST IMPORTANTLY, when you're entering the danger zone.
The sad part is you mention the insurance payout, Dodges depreciate like bricks, the lowest Blue Book on this car will definitely depress this guy, I'm sure it's half of what he paid if even.
that Tacoma was like... Oh you think this shit's funny?
That's Mother Nature reclaiming the metal wasted on that shitbox. Seriously though, those things are miserable.
The bike looks like it's had the popular modification where the rear suspension arm has been extended. Easier for drag racing, burn outs and generally being obnoxious but detrimental to handling.
All it takes is a few people to start it and then the chain reaction happens. As long as there is enough traffic flow it can last for hours after the people who slowed traffic caused the backup. it simply can't clear itself due to the traffic build up refilling the slowed area up faster than it can clear.
Jesus didn't win that race or build your car. You did.
Tetris should have rotated counter-clockwise and moved two spaces to the left.
This can't be pointed out enough times.
Came to post this.