Because studies show people go the speed they are comfortable with, almost completely regardless of the set speed limit. Instead of trying to get every driver to obey the speed limit, why not just raise the speed limit?
Uh, “speeding” highways is not at all the same as speeding through residential area. Besides the final say in speed limits are by politicians, not engineers, hence states with ridiculously low maximum speed limits.
Because it has 18 wheels? 18 wheeler’s are 6x2, or 6x4 for the tractor, or if you want, 10x2/4 for the whole spiel. Not 18x18. It’s just semantics.
Since there’s video evidence, it will be a short fight. Breaking one law doesn’t excuse someone else breaking another. Insurance companies expect you to drive defensively, not offensively.
Ding ding ding. Also, not all laws are equal, and it’s not black and white. Do drivers going 1mph deserve it if they crash (or more relevantly, someone swerves into them for ‘speeding’)?
You mean laws like obstructing traffic by driving slowly?
Those red light cameras are civil offenses, not criminal ones. That’s how they get around that pesky Constitution. This officer probably didn’t realize that, if that’s where he got his inspiration.
“Now it’s easier to die because everyone drives on bald ass tires”
Heh. I was just perusing eBay for some. No luck. Some “OK” Sukhoi shirts, but nothing legit.
Seeing as how NJ scrapped their safety inspection program 5 years ago, I doubt it is something lawmakers here care about. Sure, a dash cam might help you after the fact, but that doesn’t help much when your car is totaled or you are dead.
Because 9 times out of ten they get away with it. For them, those are great odds, for the rest of traffic that has to deal with 1/10 * 1000 people every day, the odds aren’t so great.
I’ve only had one station tell me I can’t pump. This was after I was half-way done pumping though since they hadn’t noticed. I never went there again. I pump my Z by myself every time, a few times right on front of the police—I almost wanted a “unlicensed operation of a gas pump” or whatever ticket (note that you…
The cheating was just to inflate MPG numbers, reliability won’t likely be affected significantly.
No, I’m not that petty, the latter. Except that it wouldn’t have prevented it, just possibly made it less severe. There really are people who defend themselves and others, potentially saving lives, with firearms. It just rarely makes the news.
Prevent it from happening? If someone with a gun prevents a mass shooting—it’s not classified as a mass shooting. Further, how is anyone supposed to know a shooting is going on before people are shot?
The AWB had had no discernible positive impact on gun violence...
Well his friends in Congress head the science committee and control the funding, they’ve been trying to reduce NASA’s budget to prevent this left-agenda commandeering of science. See, more proof he’s right!