There are no legal issues for red light cameras. They get around that pesky constitution by being civil violations, not criminal ones. Which really, is what expired tags should be. I see no reason they couldn't do the same. The problem with cameras is their dubious effectiveness at increasing safety.

Well, at least he didn't assume it was a minivan, right?

Houston doesn't count :)

I don't get how you seem to equate Darren Wilson and Zimmerman with this case. They are wildly different than this case. Zimmerman was a tool but was attacked. Wilson was attacked as well, but wasn't as big of a tool as Zimmerman. The Wilson case was (should be) more about institutionalized racism rather than that one

You think it'd be simple to rig up some automation to send warning letters (at least, or citations) to people, if the police are too busy to write citations. I'd be surprised if the costs outweighed the number of people who got off their asses and re-registered.

While I see the potential benefits of admitting guilt as far as the officer being "nicer" to you, you really limit yourself if you ever want to contest the charges. Not every cop is going to care if you come clean, and some could come down harsher. Playing dumb and keeping your mouth closed is your best bet to leave

So does everyone else. Speeding is not a big deal.

The fail rate was about 90 percent the first time, usually because of misaligned headlights.

Ok, I see. I figured the GVW listed on the side of trucks was just like cars, and rarely approached. I suppose it makes financial sense to make the most of the carrying capacity though.

No one loads at 65,000 first of all. 80,000 is the norm.

How do you know he didn't try earlier?

Happened in every accident I've witnessed/been in. Some weird ass scramble to get out of the car. I think people watch too many movies...

Some kind of gyroscopic force?

IIRC, Britain is one of the few (1st world) places you can drive a tank on streets.

As much as you want to shit on the Texas Automotive Dealer Association they are looking out for themselves just like Elon looks out for himself.

Come first snow, go to a parking lot and learn how your car handles (or doesn't handle) in the snow. Also try in slush, ice, etc.

When he "explained" it, he said he "chose" to go over the median as it was the "safest" option.

To help the Stig transition.

It's a road with left turn lanes, not a highway.

Welp, the ol' "think of the children" has popped up. Kids generally stick around neighborhoods, not main streets...