The press release cited above refers to a 42Mbps network in general, and then mentions future G2x phone without specifying speed.
The press release cited above refers to a 42Mbps network in general, and then mentions future G2x phone without specifying speed.
To get those speeds you'll need another phone. The G2x only goes to 14.4.
Growing up, that is what I pictured I'd be driving when I got old enough to buy a car.
Gladinet's been a mess for me (storing to gmail).
True Story:
Misleading title. If this article truly was going to tell us "How Much You'll Actually Pay", it would cast a critical eye at the BS numbers game the linked article engages in.
That's a mighty big store for a mighty small car.
T-Mobile customer since 2000, off contract for a few months, been waiting things out trying to decide between settling for a Verizon iPhone or waiting for the Optimus 2X on T-Mobile. One thing was clear - no AT&T under any circumstances.
I tether one or twice a year - to check my email in e.g. a hospital room, or at a hotel. I'm not going to pay $240 for that occasional convenience.
All reasonable choices, but looks to me like the above are mostly just fancy alternative readers with annotation options, and/or cost a bundle of money for more advanced features.
That's a segregation I've always striven to uphold, and Facebook has stubbornly sought to rob me of. It was more critical when I was young and cool; now that I'm old and boring, there's precious few secrets to keep.
So is this finally the iPhone weekend for and my wife?
Seriously, I thought we were done with the "my car is mean" design movement?
I must have gotten up on the cranky side of the bed, but...
I don't get it. I need a $60 imported japanese 'goose-neck fra-la-la' to pour water?
I'm not so much worried about the DRM (who buys DRM-crippled music anyhow?), but that's an interesting idea - by transcoding to another format, you would presumably lose the metadata.
While scrubbing personal and location data is something I can understand, I don't really see a reason for scrubbing the camera, aperture etc info from pictures.
Anecdotal evidence such as the above info is hardly irrelevant. But the vaccines may still be a red herring, in that families that do not vaccine probably lead somewhat different lives than those who do - less plastics, less chemicals, less highly processed foods, less BPA, less Phthalates, etc, etc.
ON the subject of alternatives, I've been using Photoshop Elements for a few years now, and it does most of what the hobbyinst would need and want. Despite some maddening faults and design/functionality fails, overall it does what I need it to do, for very little money.