
This has got to be a timed exclusive kind of thing. Maybe PS4 will get it in the Spring or something. It seems kind of crazy that Square-Enix would pass up even more sales via multi-platform in favor of an exclusivity deal with MS. If it truly is MS exclusive forever and ever, then they must have paid out the ass for

This is the danger really of playing online games of any type. You can build worlds or characters that you develop attachments for even if it makes no sense at all to have them. Then one day for one reason or another you can no longer access it or even feel the need to try new things. You cannot though without

To me, there are two main reasons not to use the Eagles, that many people seem to be oblivious to :

Especially when the level cap at the moment is 20....Like they were going to let you start with a character that was halfway fucking maxed out...That would have been stupid of them, considering the amount of bugs and exploits in betas that I'm sure people took advantage of.

Come on guys, the level cap is 20, and you were able to get to level 8 within a few hours.

I'm kinda surprised by the number of people who thought the characters would transfer. Why would anyone even think that?

I'm fine with that. Wasn't expecting them to transfer over and even if they did, I'd just take that characters best stuff and start with a new guy.

Jeez, these are stunning. Wouldn't say these are from Minecraft at first glance.

working from home has its benefits

"That wizard came from Etsy!"

well.. like 4.6 million people played the beta... and people are paying $500+ for the collectors edition on ebay... so its only logical to assume that people are interested in a video game statue/figure... for a game that comes out next month...

Which is why he's on Hitbox.

Watch this Twitch channel get banned for having copyrighted music.

That one was actually a leaked clip from the sequel to TitanFall, called TitanAscent.

LOL dat tandem bike though! I love these clips.

Shush. I like the modern stuff!

Sure. They also had in-game mission rating options in ACIV that let players tell Ubisoft whether they liked or disliked each of the game's missions. I was having some fun with the very specific questions about the future of the franchise that were clearly testing reactions to games that were very far into development.