B Double

Cubs Intern: Ummm Mr. Green, I think there is something you need to see.

Perfectly placed — he missed the rack of shirts, the glass cabinet, the easel and the other people in the store — and not a bad lie, either: he can chip to the vending machine from there no problem.

Awesome, a great article that can spawn a bunch of 9ers fans to come in and start crying and calling the Seahawks cheaters.

He should have asked her for a re-rack. She should have asked God for one.

It's an orgy of clip art.

I heard that he's also not allowed into BBWAA's official AOL chat room. They take shit like this very seriously.

If that weren't enough, he was also able to whip the whole crowd up into the most successful "All Blacks Suck" chant he's ever led.


Excellent fucking article. Great job.

This is great, but let's break it down even further:

Laker Bros or GTFO

Quintessential Nate Rob. When he played for the Warriors he fed off the crowd and he was the happiest man on the planet in Oracle. So fun to watch.

Okay Will, you're only saying that because the games that you listed are certifiable shit. If you played a real drinking game for once in your godforsaken life, then maybe you'd remove that stick from your ass and engage in discussion. Like an alleged adult. I'll even be a gentleman and introduce you to one of my


I applaud Riley for his efforts to overcome attending a Kenny Chesney concert.

"Stop bitching and fuckin adapt."

However, if you shake your dick Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right you will only get weird looks.