Some plant seeds contain heavy metals and toxins like arsenic. I have read that it is the membrane on the out side of the avocado seed that is the most nutritious, not the pit itself...
Some plant seeds contain heavy metals and toxins like arsenic. I have read that it is the membrane on the out side of the avocado seed that is the most nutritious, not the pit itself...
Terrible article title... I had to read it like *4 times. I didn’t read the article, I only came here to say what I said...
you should have been watching Nintendo’s presentation instead...
I’ll wait for Switch as well
Nintendo still has an obligation to protect some of it’s younger crowd. It (the voice chat through Nintendo’s app) was established as a safety net for them, to keep the creeps at bay. That would be the best option as a parent. Reggie also stated from the beginning, that the app would be ONE of a few ways to connect.…
With the popularity of Castlevania on netflix, it would seem like a likely choice for a smash character.
Was Dead Cells still releasing on Switch on May 10th? Or did I make that up???
This is the “Show-Me” state...
or... a bunch of SFM
everyone freaked out that it was required to have a NEW 3DS to play SNES games... this kinda proves that these games are seemingly tough to emulate. The SNES had some pretty impressive graphical features, of the time. Square needs to release a “classic emulator” like Sega did with “Sega Megadrive and Gennesis…
I’ve heard that “difficult” things are “sometimes” “worth doing.”
they need a fan in the middle, overheat central.
Don’t get broken bones!!!!
They could at least bring double cross over for us!!!
this site increasingly wants to show you the most spoilery images/gifs in the article titles... please stop. Soon to find news elsewhere.
Use Fly... explore a different region.
I’m coining it now... xbois (Eks-bwah)
I’m pretty sure this evil scarecrow woman is the same woman seen at DICK Spencer rallies and also seen in the clip above as Trumps right hand woman...
Is the deal done or do I need a code?
Is the deal done or do I need a code?