Nintendo Switch please!

 Frame rate, resolution, textures, loading times, will all be better. I’m sure that internet connection will be better as well. And maybe two player?

That’s all I think when I see this.

She’s obviously some kind of Russian first lady/double agent. She’ll wait until she has the right information until she slits his throat and makes off with all of the codes and information she set out for.

Looks most likely like a Romancing SaGa game.

Everyone wanted a “gritty” Mario... Grand theft Mario...


I think a great possibility is that like other main systems like xbox and ps4, is that they will most likely have a companion app on your phone that will allow them to either screen mirror or act as your second screen, you’ll already be carrying your cellphone if you are out with your Switch.

SEVERED is out tomorrow for Wii U an 3DS as a cross buy!!

The Bruxish is modeled after Hawaii’s state fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a!

I’m alright with this. It means the game will be only THAT much better, with no threat of DLC. Plus, I’d love to see this game on the NX, the new system. They did a good job choosing a simultaneous release date for both systems.

Miitomo flirt!

How about we vote for a REAL warrior like Simon Belmont or...

This is a "my dad can beat up your dad" type of article, of course a competing news/review source is going to wonder why the opposition is more trusted in that category. At the same time all reviewers can hurt or help a game, depending on the trust of the source. Example, my mom like Words with Friends, so should I

you forgot Punch Out on January 22nd, for the Wii U eShop.

If you paid attention to the Direct yesterday, they stated why they did the change from standard to microSD, and that was to save space on the extra included hardware changes. Also, isn't the point of technology to get better, faster, SMALLER? These are welcome changes from a company that continues to innovate the

does this look like a BBC to anyone else? Haha...

why is no one hyping this game to bring over?? Earth Seeker seems like a mix of Pikmin and Monster Hunter... Let's start a petition! [www.youtube.com]

i think you guys mean Jet "GRIND" Radio... the way you guys said it sounds like something my grandma would say... "The jet set radio these kids play..."

yeah, i can't believe they left this out! most important download by far. @kotaku also needs to add a 3DS friend code option on their profiles... a little nintendo bias maybe??