1. You work in psychology, therefore there is a clear selection bias in the kinds of sex workers you end up meeting.
1. You work in psychology, therefore there is a clear selection bias in the kinds of sex workers you end up meeting.
How will your baby survive if she goes a month or two without everyone knowing she's a girl?
This is insane. It's like getting mad that somebody doesn't know Katy Perry lyrics. Hearing about Dan Brown as an author who exists is one thing and knowing the name of his main character is another entirely. Besides, I envy people who've managed to go without reading one of those awful books. Getting mad that…
This girl is awesome. I am so thankful she has no intention to rehab her image and is just jumping into it cunt deep.
More Zachary Quinto please!! I've been rewatching Heroes and, Goddamn, I forgot how amazing it is. Zach Quinto as Sylar is just plain brilliant.
How does she get better with age. Like Wowza. Total Babe.
You are so out of your depth in this conversation, mainly because you can only see things through your own standards and your own experience.
I'd be disappointed and concerned about her telling multiple stories to law enforcement, though I'd be somewhat understanding of her being intimidated by police, and I'd want to have a talk with her about using words like "retarded." I'd be proud of her for being able to hold herself together so well on the stand,…
The problem is Doc seuss consistently poisons the well by insisting to women and to feminists that male discrimination issues are anywhere as relevant or damaging as female discrimination. He genuinely believes and expresses often that men actually have it worse, despite the fact that all around him issues where…
What. Could also be that the physical mold of a beautiful feminine woman is small in comparison to the other range of facial shapes in women, so men are more likely to marry a woman with a "less feminine" facial shape; however, like most of society, the men still have an ideal version of beauty that they would pick IF…
Wait... what if my jaw says, "marry me" while my cheekbones just say, "climb on"? Does my nose become the deciding factor? My eyebrows?
I agree with you that male suicide needs equal awareness, but that doesn't mean that every article has to be about it. There's nothing wrong with an article that discusses how suicide affects women specifically, because it is different than for men. There are many resources and articles available on male suicide as…
How much you want to bet neither of our comments ever makes it out of the gray? This comment system makes for far too convenient censorship of commenters with valid but perhaps unpopular criticisms.
The lead pic is in seriously poor taste.
For those interested, there is the article "Scrotal Asymmetry in Sculpture and in man" (1976) published in the journal Nature by IC McManus (University College London) on why Greek sculptures always get the positioning of the scrotum wrong (in real life, the right ball is generally larger and hangs higher than the…
Well, how else are you supposed to show a girl that you'd like her to touch it? ANSWER THAT, FEMINISTS.
Nope, it doesn't, because even if they had no solid proof of the crime, an accusation of rape is pretty fucking serious. That's a pretty big conflict there... even if they're just going to assume no crime was committed because of difficulties with the investigation, they should excuse the woman accusing the football…
So, let me get this straight. This is a story about sexual assault committed by assholes who are both students at a military academy and football players?