
"I'm not blaming the girl, but why she didn't crush her attackers' skulls between her thighs, tear out their intestines through their stomachs, and break their spinal cords in half with a right hook is, quite frankly, beyond me."

Dude can get it, all of it.

it can and does happen, and i think it happens a lot more often then people know or are willing to talk about. it happened to me. fucked up my ability to orgasm from wanted sex for a long time.

They call it your body "betraying you" at rape crisis centers and evil shitty defense lawyers use it to argue that it wasn't rape. It happens and it's very psychologically damaging.

I don't believe that story.

Unfortunately, someone who rapes children.

first of all, ruthSlayderGinsburg is an awesome name. Second of all, i've found a high correlation between insanely mind-blowing bigotry and insanely mind-blowing sexism, so I will go ahead and assume that those who say things like, "She makes me want to rape out of anger" or "exploring the sickness of rape keeps me

a conclusion that is arrived at when one gets a concussion?

I believe both Carlin and Louis CK were/ are pretty clearly progressive and pro-lady, and usually managed to use their jokes about lady subjects and privilege for good. When misogynists think they can just say "cunt" without any thought or point and be as funny or relevant as either, it's kind of pathetic.

Seems to be claiming to be a gay dude. Which has me totally stumped. I kinda feel like a gay dude having any kind of opinion about vulva grooming is a bit like me having a REALLY STRONG opinion about what color they paint the curbs in Paris. I was there once (many years ago), I don't live there, I have ZERO plans to

My vag *is* like Narnia. It's buried behind a pile of furs.

"Hay guyz guess what I found out today!"

I don't think it was even a joke, though. I think he's dead serious.

Your comment is so fucking spot on. Im pretty sure I have seen a down trodden Viggo Mortensen gather his nickles to pay at Huddle House.

A psychology prof should know better than to do anything impulsive

OBVIOUSLY when I took the time to write NO FATTIES and back it up with what I thought was logic, I didn't MEAN it. I mean, I didn't mean mean it, and so um, don't sue me. But seriously, No fatties. Haters.

What he's really saying is "sorry that other people got mad at me and now I need to apologize . You dont write that unless you mean it.

I honestly don't know what you mean by your first point. Are you saying there's no problem with using those stereotypes for humour just because they aren't necessarily reflective of real people? That just because not all gay men are swishy queens, it's okay to use swishy queens as a joke? I don't get it.

The options are not do Terrible Thing #1 or do Terrible Thing #2. They could choose to do one of the many Decent Things available. Did you look at the specific examples pointed out in that interview? Are you really going to defend those?

Men with a higher number of sex partners favored men who had less experience, but specified that it was due to evolutionary mate-guarding.