Dammit, I like him because he's a good actor and my facial hair idol but Uma Thurman is a lovely woman and cheating is a shitty thing to do.
Dammit, I like him because he's a good actor and my facial hair idol but Uma Thurman is a lovely woman and cheating is a shitty thing to do.
I understand where you're coming from. It's called being young and extremely naive and stupid about how the way the world works. You've been raised to worship money, and fed to believe that a person's worth as a person and in your case as a man boy child, is based on how much you earn doing whatever crap job you get…
It's so hard not to. "Men are the victims of everything, women started all the wars, killed the dinosaurs and Jesus." Oh, also, all rapes are fake.
Yes. This is a very, very important conversation to have if you want to stay in a relationship with a significant other. Frank and open conversations about power dynamics and money relations are key to successful and lasting relationships. You're setting yourself up for misery otherwise.
I strongly recommend anyone who wants to know more about his experiences watch the episode of Who Do You Think You Are that he did where he researched his family tree, in theory, but in practice mostly just researched his father's experiences and how they affected him. It's very moving and he gets to move his father…
Yeah, the Danville housewives definitely all look like leathery middle-aged women who just walked outta Wet Seal. Not a good thing.
The point of the campaign was to put pressure on FB by showing their advertisers that they were being associated with such pages, and discouraging them from contimuing to advertise until that situation was resolved. The nuances of FBs contextual advertising may have been lost on some of the people who got involved in…
Dude, they're called exceptions that prove the rule. She addresses them; she notes their existence. And then she goes on to say that portrayals of women and their use as cheap (and disturbing) plot devices are still quite prevalent. Because they are. Whether you enjoy that or have a problem with it doesn't change…
Forgive me, but I'm all for "villifying" people who believe that "tape her and rape her" is a funny thing to say. This is part of how we show these morons that saying this crap is not acceptable. Just as how when idiots say "fag" and I tell them "hey idiot, that's offensive regressive bullshit" they eventually learn…
Yeahhh no. The problem with this situation is that they went on so long thinking that images depicting and encouraging violence against women don't violate their terms. It is not difficult for them to remove images. They do it with pictures of breastfeeding pretty damned frequently. They can handle the rape…
It's pretty understandable why people get offended over photos depicting women getting beaten up and/or raped.
The issue is the content was reported and them Facebook responded saying they wern't going to delete it because it didn't violate their policy.
I disagree with the argument of 'there's too much to do anything'. Of course they can't catch everything, they also can't catch all of the blatant porn, racial hate speech, child porn, snuff, and other material they don't allow. The stuff was already being reported and responded to, and will be at the same rate,…
It sounds like you're saying that just because Facebook can't eliminate every instance of gender-based hate that they shouldn't try. I really hope that not's what you meant, because that's pretty terrible.
You're employing the nirvana fallacy. Facebook is big, content moves fast, sure. They won't be able to tackle ALL of it. But the point is - so far they had let content slide that they had ALREADY reviewed, and that is terrible. You don't seem to understand why ("All these whiny people getting worked up about the…
Its called slavery...
That is beautiful. When my wife gave birth to our beautiful son Gaia, we brought in an Arizonan rattlesnake. Once my wife was fully dilated, we set the rattlesnake up her birth canal to retrieve Gaia and bring him into this realm of existence. The unhinging jars are perfect for to grasp a young spirit's skull and…