There should be a "destar" button, when you think someone should really be back in the grey..
There should be a "destar" button, when you think someone should really be back in the grey..
My favorite favorite item of clothing I own is my linen skirt. I was so excited for winter to leave so I could start wearing it again. It is just past knee length so it is appropriate for work and other occasions, but it is linen so it is light and comfy and wonderful. I would wear it every day if I could!
I feel you: Mama Bogwitch also gives zero fucks about clothes. I had to self-teach as well. Watch What Not To Wear: it's a good primer! (Also—pretty people, ugly people, fat people, skinny people, ALL PEOPLE can and do dress well!)
"Listen," said the parents and the school in a joint statement, "If this were an issue of a promising young football player playfully raping another student, certainly we could look the other way. But this isn't that. This is a violent crime of an evil teenager consensually having sex with a slightly younger teenager.…
Wow! Thanks for the vote of confidence! I am the mom, and nursing. We have taken some short flights before (1-2 hours) without an issue. Take-off and landing always seem to put him right to sleep. I know there is not really much of an issue with alcohol and baby meds, etc., but I prefer not to give my kiddo anything…
It's cool. Are you the mom? Because 6 month olds actually think it's awesome to just sit in their mom's lap and nurse The. Whole. Time. I assume bottle-fed babies feel the same. I've flown from Singapore to NYC about a billion times, with a baby, with a toddler, with a toddler and heavily pregnant (OK this kinda…
Jesus H., Man. I have to homeschool my daughter because she has a serious, chronic medical condition. I know the homeschooling type you are talking about, and they are hard to stomach. Believe me, I know. But there are a lot of people out there who are homeschooling because their kids are in that small percentage…
It's interesting - your response reminds me of when Dave Chappelle left his show - I heard or read somewhere about part of what drove him to leave, and it was a moment when they were shooting this sketch where different people were haunted by these tiny racial-stereotype "devils," for lack of a better term (thinking…
No one's probably going to read this because I'm gray, but... I read that Sady Doyle/Sam Morril exchange a few days ago, and I was actually surprised because his response was much more reasonable than I was expecting. Then I thought about it some more and realized that was because my expectations were incredibly low,…
I am really sorry you are in the 'I hate everything' stage of depression. Like all the other stages of depression, it is horrible and evil. I rate it marginally above the 'the world is paper-thin and I will reach up and tear the sky open and demons are eating my soul' stage, but YMMV. I hope not everything is hopeless…
Dude, you'd be surprised at the fuckery that goes on all the time there for any museum employee that has to deal with visitors. I've been called a nazi (for, y'know, insisting that someone pay something for admission which is museum policy) and other rude things. I've also got a buddy who got smacked by a visitor…
Reclaim the real you with Renlet.
I'm sort of hoping that she has a horrible curse upon her after pulling that stunt. But it was a temple not a mummy. Someone should dare her to sit on busby's chair.
Troll Alert! Troll Alert!! Remember Jezzies, this kind of topic brings out the trolls. So what do we do People?!
I've got a hundred internet bucks riding on Pfizer having an IMS drug in testing in eight months.
Oh my god, I'm so sorry that happened to you. And I'm so sorry that random street bullshit keeps happening to you, and all of us, and reminding you of far more awful things. Your first paragraph x1000. It's so hard to make people understand that it's not trivial. Like, I don't get pissed every time a strange man…
My deepest love and respect for making it this far. If there were medals for the heart you would be covered in them. Xxx
There are 3 distinct possibilities: