
You think 'woman are out of touch with reality these days' and 'only go for the bad boys'.' you think they've taken away all the hot young wives that betas used to get (before modern society destroyed expectations of women marrying young? one imagines? This is the standard line.) You think that one insane person

No conjugal visits for prisoners without upcoming parole; perhaps if you read the article rather than coming down here in a lather about how murderous alphas are stealing your babes you would know this already.

Disagreeing with you does not amount to agreeing with Charles Manson; that makes no logical sense whatsoever. We disagree with your concluding from the fact that that a hot insane chick is marrying an old insane murderous man, that beta men are being cheated out of the hot young wives they deserve. We resist the

What makes you think this would be a change of strategy?


One woman is batshit insane, and one man is an evil leader of a mass murdering cult. This proves feminism is false.

Ah, that makes sense. My family is all native-English speakers, but both my daughters (10 and 13) were born here in Singapore, where we live. The girls speak Mandarin, but not as well as they might in that Singaporeans don't communicate with one another in Mandarin as a rule. My older daughter and I are learning

Yeah, maaaaaaybe a lot.

Do your kids not speak English fluently? I would find that surprising, unless your spouse doesn't speak English.

My daughter goes to school here in Singapore with two girls who are half-Japanese, with the other half American in one and British in the other case (all her other friends are Japanese). One has hair considerably lighter than my daughter's (natural) medium-brown with highlights, and eyes also lighter than hers. The

He's actually a philosophy grad student at Berkeley who does early Wittgenstein.* I also dated him, that's how I know.

China's consumer products market is really limited faced with the massive, massive demand. That's why Apple will only let people buy so many full-price day-one iPhones, but people I know of had everyone in the family buy four or whatever in NYC and then sold them at a big profit 28 hours later in China (I live in


Wait, the fuck?

You will totally get blown back on everyone's face, à la Big Lebowski. Piñata's a super-cool idea, but I think it's out.


If she were my friend, she would never slut-shame me.

I don't know, man; I live in Singapore. I wouldn't be totally amazed if my rice cooker could get online updates from S. Korea LOL.

My staunch atheist, kinda-not-totally-keen-on-organized-religion, but I guess we'd go with Mahayana Buddhism if it came down to it somehow daughter and I call him [here you make the hashtag sign with your fingers] chillpope, just like in Gawker coverage. Because, really. He needs to see the light on birth

Witchetty grubs are quite good, actually. I've had them both simply toasted in ash, on a walkabout near Ayers Rock led by an Aboriginal guide (the squeamishness of all my fellow tourists meant he got to take the vast majority he found home to his mum which was I think the normal way of things) and made into a soup,