Nah, it's straight-up not sexy period.
Nah, it's straight-up not sexy period.
Waaaay ahead of you.
You make a calm and compelling case that you're concerned about ethics in gaming journalism and are not an unhinged dude who has a fit on the ground when Bayonetta didn't get the score it deserved because of BOOBIES! [OK, granted, because of ASS.] Cool, reasoned, collected; I like that in a comment. And yes, I agree,…
Thanks for the civil response Kid Dynamite!
Denouncing your attackers in public is a form of standing up for yourself. Hiding in silence is not.
You're saying Kid Dynamite is being a bitch for discussing these threats online as well as reporting them to the police? I say he has every right to and that it brings something to the discussion.
SF police confirmed after the initial request that they were contacted but that since the communications crossed state lines they were handed over to the FBI.
No, it says feminism helps men by making it clear to add that men don't need to adhere to outdated standards of masculinity under which they can't show weakness.
Approve it by giving us your real name, phone number, and address. You can just ignore any threats you get so it should be NBD, right?
Please provide links to the positive reviews she got for her game via sleeping around. This should be really easy. Thanks.
As a Savannah-born white woman named Belle, I declare this to be officially fucked up an'bullshit.
Oh, no way was Centipede sexist, I didn't mean that. It gave me premature carpal tunnel syndrome but it did that to everyone ;-) Anyway, thanks for the polite conversation. I hope you can at least understand where the annoyance comes from for a woman who's had to do with so, so, so much active hassle online, and so…
LOL @glitchy for a decade. Look, I like fantasy novels and comics fine too, and was a big reader of my dad's Savage Sword of Conan as a girl; I don't think there should be NO Red Sonja's in the world, I just want SOME non-Red Sonja's. I need to go anyway (it's lunchtime in Singapore) but I just invite you to think…
Is it fun and worth it though, or is it "Call of Duty: The Grind In Halo Gear"?
That was a typo for "burn bridges and then sow the earth with salt."
I guess I often just feel there could be options that wouldn't hurt general gameplay in any way. I don't imagine there's some easy way to retcon GTA:V with a female lead and I'm not asking for that; it would be stupid. But could I even just skip all scenes of sexual encounters in a game that forces you to play a male…
Yeah, really.
Please provide the reviews of her game that she got by sleeping around. With links. Thanks.
Really? You don't think there's any amount of complaint from gamers that should prompt a re-think from game designers? I don't play Destiny but it seemed pretty clear from the reaction the loot cave was getting that their system was fucked up—and then they went and changed what people's gear could break down to, so…
OK, I apologize for the harsh tone and I hope you'll give me one more read. Your comment was calm, I'll admit that, but it was crystallized around a tiny piece of what I took (maybe wrongly) to be self-pity: that gaming was a hobby of seclusion you were pushed towards (by bullies, by life...?), and that you were under…