
That was a bizarrely hostile response to a two-line, relatively neutral post that merely suggested you'd do best to speak from your own experience and not that of others. Why are you so angry?

Nah, I didn't take it as a hate comment against women. I took it as an unrealistic stance on games and art. To say, "if you don't like it don't play it," isn't helpful, because we're not all game developers, are we? But at the same time you want to play something, right? Something fun? A game might kick ass in almost

Do your assured multitude of female friends a favor and speak only for yourself. We will all get better results.

Uh, there is a single right answer, dude. The genders are equal. Also, I'd just like you to know that you can never criticize any movie ever from now on, because I am going be there to say, get out there and make your OWN fucking movie if you didn't like that movie! Don't have watched it in the past if you don't like

Dude, when I was a kid I played videogames because they were fun. I don't cry myself to sleep at night with how I am a victim for having been pushed toward a hobby of seclusion at 12. Maybe there really is something different about being a female gamer. Now straight white guys are 1. under attack because 2. ??? 3. the

I live in Singapore and you see all the ways the author describes here. So you see someone's grandmoms speaking straight Hokkien and the granddaughter speaking English (or Singlish) back. And you hear groups of people speaking Hakka but with tons of English (and Malay) words thrown in, sometimes for random stuff where

Miku's is definitely the weakest and Gumi's...OK in comparison with the song you linked I think, but not as good. Kaito—I weirdly don't like any of the male Vocaloid voices. Len Kagamine doesn't count because honestly it's the same artist they're sampling.

This is definitely the best English-language Vocaloid-style synthesized song I've ever heard. I never search for them because I always look for a small number of Japanese artists I like. Thanks!

I think it's sort of unfortunate that they have always pushed Hatsune Miku rather than other Vocaloid who would sound better to Western ears, like Gumi, or IA. Even Hatsune Miku Dark! I fucking love Vocaloid and Miku kind of drives me up the wall. I do like some of her songs but they're usually collaborations that

Thanks so much for sharing that with me, I really appreciate it, and I totally teared up while reading it. I so, so sorry that you had to go through that and you are amazing person to come through on the other side and be a whole person. I have told my girls, even if they feel embarrassed because they didn't say


At my waitressing job the harassment mostly came from the cokehead forty-something owner, but that also meant that the guys knew the girls working there had no recourse when they were getting harassed, so, kind of a free-for-all except that the ass-kicking shift manager was a black woman who looked out for us pretty

Agreed. As a rape victim I find this concisely terrifying.

I only have girls (two, ages 13 and 10) and I'm basically in mortal terror about the future. They are staunch feminists, but I was too, and...well, I was a victim of sexual abuse as a kid (starting at 11, but only intermittent after a very disturbing first episode, by my stepdad), and then I had a teacher at my school

H.S. me thinks your sorority sister's mom was fucking awesome. (I recognize in hindsight this is wrong.) My mom was that mom, basically, but with valium and demerol and bourbon. My friends loved it. Unfortunately, my home life was actually super-shitty somehow, for unknown reasons.

PREACH. It's analogous to an in vino veritas situation; the craziness will manifest in some specific way dependent on a given time and place (no one thinks they're Napoleon anymore, for example). The enraged sense of entitlement to women's time, attention and bodies exists outside this mentally ill person and is a

Please don't listen to this moron. Finnish women drink an average of 7 cups of coffee a day while pregnant and don't have a higher rate of ADHD than the US in 6-year-old's or whomever you wish to compare—quite the contrary. Nor is their growth stunted.

If they are not, why would "emotionally abusing children by neglecting their needs as babies" be meaningfully in tension with "champion women's right to climb the career ladder/have a female president" as opposed to something ore general such as "people having unreasonable demands made on them by capitalism"? You


Have a talk with your fellow menfolk! If women weren't rightly worried that, "you look beautiful today" was about to be followed up with "fuck you, you fat bitch" if they didn't respond with a sweet smile and a sudden decision to give out their number, they might ever talk to a strange dude they didn't know! And