
Every Lancia Stratos is the Lancia Stratos of my dreams.

Dice. In a penis.

Trouser snake eyes.


"You may notice the water has a golden color."

That's not the first time I've seen that warning on a product.

God damn, and I thought *I* had to work hard to get some head.

And to think there were some who speculated that Ford would never run again.

I was working in Boston late one night

TOMS Midnight Riot Canvas Paseos

Yeah it's not really manufactured. Believe it or not, veterans are protective of the uniform they once wore.

He should have his mouth washed out with soap.

And you sir are the reason why we Americans can't have nice things. Instead of a well put together port of the UK version, we get a shit-tier cheap car challenge. That says much about US society today.

What the Independent should be asking is why Top Gear allowed a POS American version of Top Gear to exist.

I guess it backfired.

I'll be the one to say what we are all thinking: If a dying child's final wish is to meet Chris Brown, odds are we aren't losing anyone who was destined to change the world in a positive manner.

That's a cute little Cessna, but after the delivery, mom is probably wishing she'd bought a hanger for her a few months ago.

"She is rather large and we're going keep her overnight for observation, but I see no reason to say that your daughter can't someday shop at Wal-Mart in a giant fucking Tweety Bird t-shirt."

that makes two Cessnas that could go thru that thing now.

An overweight Cessna is always bad news.