
Can't we all just agree that Drake is a truly, truly awful "rapper"?

Meanwhile, I'm notified three separate times of this same article by Google Reader...

Sweet Jesus.

Haha. Nice. That reminds me of one of my constantly favorite things: The giant bin of bats and minibats at the Louisville airport.

Pre 9/11, (obviously) my family and I once tried to get through airport security with something my uncle had given us that he called a "no-fail fishing lure," which was essentially an inert hand grenade with some googly eyes and feathers glued to it. Needless to say, we were surrounded immediately and questioned for

Not buying an Amazon-branded product would be a start...

Amen, brother... Amen...

Here's me and my wife's Christmas card this year. It was really hard to purposely design something this awful, but at least nobody gave me any revisions...

Check these guys out:

Totally unrelated: Does anyone have a goddamn scanner anymore? Why do I always have to read stuff like this from a printed publication via a blurry photo that was taken on someone's cellphone? Now, I realize not everyone has access to a scanner, but for those who do, it's almost certainly less work than trying to get


How about Android? OneCast cuts out a lot (which I wouldn't really have a problem with if it let you resume where you left off) and some providers aren't available on Stitcher.

Cool story, bro. That's for keeping the discussion relevant to a post about an Android phone from Samsung.

Mythbusters!??? Fingers crossed in preparation for nerd-gasm...

The lack of Android tablet support in general is becoming f'ing ridiculous...

Another thing that annoys stand-ups? Filming their shows on your cell phone...

Is it weird that I want to make sweet, emotional love to that HP display after watching the product demo on the HP site?

Oh Dealzmodo, why do you taunt me so on the day that I'm available for a phone upgrade on Verizon, the only major carrier the doesn't offer the Nexus S?

Oh Gizmodo, why do you taunt me so on the day that I'm available for a phone upgrade on the only major carrier the doesn't offer the Nexus S (Verizon)?

Please, God no...