Indeed. Between a 9mm to the eye and a Taser to the eye, I think I'll take the Taser, thank you.
Indeed. Between a 9mm to the eye and a Taser to the eye, I think I'll take the Taser, thank you.
Has anybody else had issues with FF4, multiple monitors and Netflix instant? When I try to play a movie full screen, it forces it to the main screen, not the screen where the main window is on. I know it's a long-shot, but I thought somebody else might be having the same issue.
Good to see the completely unnecessary arm sleeve accessory has finally made it to the Far East. As per my understanding of said accessory, that was what made him jump that much higher and finally be able to dunk over the Li-Ning shoe. Thanks arm-condom!
Stuff like this infuriates me. Not on a basis of using a natural disaster for an excuse to put up a slideshow, but on the basis of it becoming more and more common for websites to put up these one-page-at-a-time slideshows covered with ads just to get more ad impressions and earn more money.
How did a 6'11'' center end up guarding a point guard with under 10 seconds left??? That U-Conn screen was non-existent and should never in a million years been switched on in the first place (let alone not switched back)...
Yeah, that was my exact first though. I don't care how "accessible" Apple makes things for the blind, the iPhone has got to be an absolute nightmare for them to use
I was in the exact same boat as you. I wanted to try Android and the Moto Droid just felt clunky and awkward to me, so I went with the Eris. I got sucked in by the Sense UI. It makes we wonder how the low-end Android phones are even still available when their performance is so lousy. Every time I see commercials on TV…
Hooray for Eris-hate! That phone took away almost a year of my digital life...
No, I'm saying I would pull the phone out of my pocket to check and see if I had any emails and right then, someone would call me, I'd hit the screen unlock button (to unlock the screen) and ignore their call. (I guess I should have been a little more clear on that one)
Ha! Yeah. Not much room for error there....
You made me think of another one. The impossibly small latch button on the PowerBook G4s. Those things are such a pain in the ass to open (yes I still having it and use it from time to time. It's still limping along. Pow-Pow-POWERBOOK!)
The Google Chrome URL/Address/Omni/Whatever the Hell You Want to Call it Bar. I start typing in a page I've gone to 100 times over the past couple days (web designer) and it auto-fills to a page that I went to once like 3 months ago? Gee, thanks auto-complete!
Also, also, not being able to hide the Application window in Flash CS4 or After Effects CS4 on a Mac. If you've used it, you know what I'm talking about, especially if you upgraded from CS3.
Also, the Burton Audex iPod remote pouch. See how huge that play button on the pouch is? The play button on the remote that goes inside that pouch is roughly 1/4 that size, meaning that any time I wanted to play/pause the music that I was listening to, the pouch would cause me to mash every single button on the…
Luckily, before venting my frustration in a rant filled with rather salty language about how this POS redesign has totally made it unusable, I calmed myself and decided to investigate the root of the problem.
I have the incredible urge to mercilessly beat anyone who wears a t-shirt under their jersey.
I love Chrome, but I consistently have problems playing YouTube clips. I'll start one, pause it to wait for it to buffer a bit (thanks shitty work internet...) and then when I hit play again, nothing happens. Anybody else have this problem?