Actually answered myself super quick after posting this. Wii U. The Pro controller is gonna be better for platformers than the DS4.
Actually answered myself super quick after posting this. Wii U. The Pro controller is gonna be better for platformers than the DS4.
Oh jeez. Now, I’m debating which version I want to get. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get one of the physical Xseed Risky Beats Editions, I just don’t know whether I want the PS4 or Wii U version. I have Risky’s Revenge on PC and Pirate’s Curse on Wii U. I thinking maybe I just want to make it where I own each one on…
Cool.... except I already own these on console. I like that some Japanese publishers are finally starting to release JRPGs and other games on PC but I still generally prefer to just get them on PlayStation. I get 95% of my Western games on PC though.
A mixture of things. I’ll be playing Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door on GameCube. I’ll also be playing the Titanfall 2 Campaign and Battlefield 1 Multiplayer on PC probably.
Well, I’ve wasted enough time playing Destiny on the PS4. If the next one is released on PC, I will waste an exponentially higher amount of time on it.
Holy crap. That would totally fit right in with Mana Khemia’s battle themes.
What this seems like is a repeat of the New 3DS only with a slightly less stupid name... slightly. The only reason I have a new 3DS is because I didn’t already have an original 3DS. I DO however already have a PS4. So, yeah. I’m gonna buy a GeForce GTX 1070 instead. I use my consoles primarily for JRPGs which I’m…
I’m playing Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii) right now on mine with no issues. i7 4790K, 16GB of RAM and an aging GTX 770. It depends a lot on the game too. Also, settings. Some games you have to fiddle with settings but right clicking the game in the Dolphin menu and clicking Wiki will open a wiki page that tells you the…
ChrisFix is pretty great. Clear step by step guides that are pretty usable on a lot of vehicles.
Well damn. Just bought the 810w Cyberpower “Gaming” UPS a couple of weeks ago on a Newegg Shellshocker deal. No idea what makes it a gaming UPS but it was a good deal. Just more than I really need though. I might still buy this one since I would still like to have one for my HTPC.
Well damn. Just bought the 810w Cyberpower “Gaming” UPS a couple of weeks ago on a Newegg Shellshocker deal. No idea…
What’s funny for me is I bought a Vita for Tale of Hearts R (what a letdown) but it wasn’t out yet at the time so I bought Persona 4 Golden to go with the Vita. I decided not to play it because I didn’t want to be in the middle of it when Hearts came out. Then when it came out, I went to GameStop and bought a PSTV…
I’m playing Persona 4 Golden as well. I’ve had it and even the original game for years and never played either. Finally popped Golden into the PSTV about 2 days ago and fired it up.
Well, I just started Ys: Origin. So probably that. I also have Trails of Cold Steel to play but I just can’t justify playing it right now with games that have been in my library up to four years that I still haven’t played yet. I’m currently trying to get some of the ones I’ve had the longest knocked out.
Well neat to see Radiant Historia on here. One of the many MANY games I’ve bought at random but have yet to play.
I haven’t liked Call of Duty after the first Modern Warfare but I feel the hate is a little much on this. I’m not personally all that interested but the trailer didn’t seem that bad to me.
Probably a combination of Wild Arms 2 for the original PlayStation (playing PSOne Classics version on PS3), Destiny on PS4 and Star Fox Zero on Wii U. I might even slip up and start a game on Steam or Origin.
I only have Destiny soooo I’m gonna play... Wild Arms 2. A PS1 game. Yeah.
If I can ever get done working on all the dang computers in the house, I’ll finish Star Ocean: The Last Hope International on PS3. After that, I’m gonna try to knock out a few PC games. I swapped some drives and did a fresh install of Windows. While I was restoring the installed Steam games, I caught a glimpse of the…
I’m actually not entirely suprised. The PS3 port I considered to be kinda crap. Basically all it seemed was done was take the Japanese PS2 port, turn the resolution up a bit, change from a 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9, then drop the English GameCube script and voice acting into it (though Japanese audio is an option on…
I’ll be continuing Star Ocean: The Last Hope International on PS3. That’s probably it, unless I pick up my 3DS. Then I’ll probably play Project Mirai DX some.