
I DON’T KNOW!!! I’ve been trying to figure out what to play next for a couple of days now. I can’t decide. I’m about to make a dart board or wheel of fortune with all my systems + PC (may even split it up between Steam and Origin) to at least narrow things down every time I want to start something new.

At this point, I’m infinitely more excited about all the JRPGs and whatnot (especially the previously handheld only ones). I stopped caring about Half-Life 3 ages ago.

That’s pretty much why I always leave my controller plugged in. The Wii U Pro controller and the old DS3, the battery lasts forever it feels like so I play with them unplugged. The DS4 and Wii U Gamepad though, man those things have shit battery life so I leave them plugged up.

Welp. I’m gonna buy it right away, but it’ll probably be at least a few months before I actually play it, if not a year. Tales of Zesteria just came out and it’s next after I finish up MGSV. I doubt I’ll play Trails in the Sky SC right away because of I’ll feel guilty enough about playing MGSV and Zesteria shortly

I’ve never owned any Xbox systems. I borrowed my old roommate’s 360 on a few occasions though. I’ve always had PlayStations, Nintendo stuff and PCs. Because I was a long time PC gamer, I’ve been used to updates for a while. Still annoying but whatever.

Dammit. I just ordered one. Well, I got the Destiny: The Taken King Limited Edition so maybe my impatience won’t bite me in the ass (I had originally planned on waiting till Friday). Plus Newegg threw in a free copy of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD only with the Taken King model, a game I planned on getting anyway. Now if

Weirdly, the Tales games have been some of the few times I didn’t mind not having the Japanese. Usually the English isn’t terrible and the kinda wooden vocals match the kinda wooden animations. With the Symphonia HD re-release, I played with the English voices because of Lloyd’s voice actor (same guy who played Kevin

Well, I don’t know. I’m very close to setting up a dart board for my games to figure out what to play. I’m trying to peck away at the smaller games in my PC library then I’m thinking either a PSone classic or PS3 game after that but what I’m still unsure. I’m thinking Suikoden, Wild Arms 2, Akiba’s Trip, Ar Nosurge,

And that reminds me of the funniest/saddest interaction I ever had with a customer at work. Another guy sold this elderly gentleman a computer and setup/data transfer services. He picks it up and comes back like a day or two later while I’m the only computer tech available. He starts claiming that we sold him an old

That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have it too plus the Mega Man X collection.

For what console? I ask because I have the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for PS2 that includes all 8 of the Mega Man Classic main titles plus a few extras. I also have the Mega Man X Collection for PS2 as well that has the 1 through 6 plus a few extras.

Holy shit. The last time I played this, I rented it from Hollywood Video. Damn. I buying this now. I love the Legends games and anything related to them.

The final boss in Borderlands 2 (PC) basically doesn’t attack you if you go to the little island thing to the far left. Other shit will attack you but they are all pretty easy to deal with. And if you have a non-elemental Lady Finger (I think that’s the name of the gun) it’s beyond easy. The first time I didn’t have

Honestly, wasn't paying attention, when I first posted. Here's the rest:

Honestly, wasn't paying attention, when I first posted. Here's the rest:

The one you've pictures up top. The Logitech G502 Proteus Core. It's a great all around mouse that's super comfortable (if you are right handed), very accurate, and very customizable. It's also the smoothest gliding mouse I've ever used. It's great evolution of G500 which was my previous mouse.

The one you've pictures up top. The Logitech G502 Proteus Core. It's a great all around mouse that's super

Ummmm, can you not just have an auto kick for anyone who doesn’t move for a certain period of time? Hell I played PC games online over 10 years ago that would do that.

I’m in the middle of Mana Khemia 2: The Fall of Alchemy on PS2 so I’m gonna keep playing that. After I finish it, I might either try to play some even older stuff I have for PS1 I haven’t played or dig into my ever expanding Steam library and knock out a few shorter ones.

Fuck you broke ass eyes. Now I can only see black and blue, and also, apparently that's what it actually is dammit. So ignore my post fueled by my lying eyes.

Ahhhhh, at first, I was sitting her thinking "how the actual fuck can somebody say this is black and blue?" I was on my laptop so I shifted the screen and around and got it to look black and blue. But then I'd look dead on and was back to gold and white. Hmmmmm. I pulled it up with my desktop on my TV and still gold

FUCK Best Buy. God, I was so psyched to get it and guess what's in my fucking email. For once I finally have the money when one of these special editions comes out. I missed out on the Windwaker Wii U, the Link Between Worlds 3DS and now this. Now I'm pretty damn sure I don't have the option to pre-order it anywhere