
Puppycat is a Vocaloid!

I'm not a big RWD person. Yeah, I like RWD cars but I also like FWD or AWD cars. So with that said, I think I personally would enjoy the Focus ST a little more. I also have a thing for hatches and wagons so yeah. I want the hot hatch.

I feel like shit was uncalled for on both sides but I will say if Fish hates the industry so much and cancels a game of a trivial shit like this, then he really is not that passionate about making games. He appears to be more of just a general attention whore than anything.

My problem with the M45 is that it just doesn't look like anything. It looks like one of those generic cars you find in traffic in a video game that didn't bother to license any cars.

Man, I don't know what you're talking about. I bought 20 games this time around, a good chunk of which were AAA titles. I spent less than $80. To me, that was fantastic. I've spent more for one game before and am about to again (Tales of Xillia Collector's Edition).

I stumbled into this recently. It's a DS3 alternative to everything else that's stupid simple (for me at least). No need for MotioninJoy or anything. Its only requirement is the official Xbox 360 controller drivers from Microsoft. You just follow the instructions and your DS3 is now seen as a 360 controller. It also

I feel ya. Man I want Xillia so bad. I have my collector's edition pre-ordered.

Well, I have a raggedy old Civic. It's a base model CX with an engine swap. It's stupid simple and I love it to death. I've had it six years and plan to be the final owner. Really though, I'd say within the next year or 2, it will be retired as a DD considering it's age and lack of A/C and replaced by a much newer Fit.

One thing I've noticed that seems to help fuel economy is lowering the vehicle. I've had 2 similar Civics. The biggest difference was one was slammed to the ground on some coilovers and the other sat only a little lower than factory ride height on drop springs. The slammed one absolutely DESTROYED the other in terms

You know I did. Used to deliver auto parts. Had one stop that had a giant gravel lot next to it. Went out there in one of the delivery trucks, spun that truck sideways around it kicking up huge dust clouds.

I just got done with Blood Dragon. Either give me sequel to it, or at least make the next one play more like it. I enjoyed the simplified and streamlined gameplay of Blood Dragon way more.

I'm gonna be the nerd and point out that during Jeremy's run on the street circuit, the Assassin's Creed theme was playing.

Well, I told myself to only get stuff I already planned on getting regardless of sales. Didn't take long to break that promise. Already got like four or five games, most of which (except Bioshock Infinite) won't get played for ages I'm sure.

I know the feeling. I think my desktop has 3 full games installed and another 100 or more on my list. Granted, 1. I have played at least 40 them, 2. many are parts of or at least came with other games (like HL2 deathmatch) and 3. One of the installed games is Race 07 and I have 8 expansion packs installed for it.

Those new Caprices can be found in Tennessee. Saw a couple State Trooper Caprices this last week.

I'll probably catch shit for this, but fixing the looks ain't gonna fix the fact the this game kinda blows. I love JRPGs and Final Fantasy VI is one of my favorite games of all time but man did I hate X. The characters were kinda soulless and had shit voice acting (except Wakka, thank god for John DiMaggio) and well,

I had some noticeable ones, none of which were too bad but could break the mood. The one I remember most though was Ellie's ponytail getting "caught" on things (often just air), stretching, then slingshotting back.

That's a pretty good chunk for a base game.

Even with my extremely limited Japanese (learned mostly through games and anime), I actually understood a fair amount to make that ad even funnier. When the dude screamed at the end was probably what really got me laughing though. Universal.

Yeah, the Rangers are surprisingly fun little trucks. Had three different ones back at my old job and loved everyone of them. They could handle a little spirited driving without complaining too much. Didn't want to get too frisky though. Rollover was still a threat.