By the looks of it, mine was at a low risk of bricking (factory 160GB slim) but I didn't take a chance. Glad I had auto-update turned off and read the article first. I will definitely wait about updating next time.
By the looks of it, mine was at a low risk of bricking (factory 160GB slim) but I didn't take a chance. Glad I had auto-update turned off and read the article first. I will definitely wait about updating next time.
The first car that was treated as mine was a 1985 Pontiac Sunbird Hatchback Base Autotragic. It was technically in my parents' name but it was the first car I drove "daily". Now it seems bad enough on its own. Now take into account this was 2004. So this car was an old ass beater when I got it. Fortunately, I only…
Well, I'm glad I already finished The Last of Us last night. Hadn't planned on playing any other PS3 games anytime soon so I'm just gonna leave mine off till the problem is fixed (I have auto-update disabled and I unplugged it for good measure). Fortunately I have some PS2 and PSP games that I need to play as well as…
The mobile suits in Mobile Suit Gundam Crossfire actually look OK even now to me but my god the rest of the game looked like shit. And it ran like shit too. Talk about poor optimization.
I still like to keep old CRTs around for my older consoles but I have a 720p LCD TV for my PS3 and a few PC games (usually use the monitor but some games like Assassin's Creed I enjoy on the TV). It's gonna be a sad day when my last CRT gives and I can't find a replacement.
Holy crap. I might actually buy one early. Damn. I actually plan to spend more than that on a video card for my PC. Fortunately that's soon and the PS4 is later so I won't be torn between the two.
Honestly, this isn't something that bothers me. I've never played a single PS3 game online, BUT I do have a PS+ account. It has easily paid for itself in free games and discounts.
Wow. And here I just game on an old wore out La-Z-Boy and office chair from Office Max.
Things readily available new, I like to buy new. Digital can be complicated though. Sometimes I would rather have a physical copy and used might be the only option (especially true with older stuff). Some previous gen stuff might not be available digitally so used is definitely my only option in most cases.
I would say Tales of Vesperia, Tales of the Abyss, Mana Khemia, Chrono Trigger, and most Zelda games might be the best examples of this for me. But most JRPGs will give me this feeling to some degree. I'll finish one and not know what to do for a week or so.
Also have a 560Ti and I was just thinking of moving to a 660Ti. Maybe I should wait until a 760Ti comes out.
I'm still calling it Cross Bone (XBone)
X can often be shorthand for Cross. So, it could be written Xbone or X-Bone or whatever but could be pronounced Cross Bone. That sounds cool to me.
I'm actually playing Chrono Cross right now. Local game store multiple unopened Greatest Hit copies of various PS1 Square games so I snagged it.
Holy crap. Just got done watching this, then come on Kotaku to see a post on it. Weird.
Well. Looks like it's time to start searching all the Gamestops in a 50 mile radius to see if there are any leftover gems. Managed to get a complete and good condition copy of Persona 4 not that long ago.
A lot of people are saying he shouldn't even have a gun at that age. I neither agree nor disagree with that. My parents waited until I was 18 to let me have one but even now, the gun is at home with them, unloaded with the ammunition hidden. Now it's more for security if someone breaks in, but originally they were…
So far since 18 up to now (25), I've only gotten more and more into video games. I don't see it subsiding for a while.
Ok cool. I might give it a try.
I know the part of Tennessee I'm from, you're supposed to pull over for funerals. There's more often than not a police escort for them too.