
I guess tomorrow will probably be the day, it they are going to say anything. I doubt they'd say anything during the weekend.

That's what I thought but the week is almost over :(

So........anything about upcoming DLC for Battlefield 3? You know the game that is out on the market now?

I can't believe I read all that. *sigh* You do bring up (!) some good points(!) though.

I'll hold my judgement until I see a little more. I like ModNation enough to pick it up on the Vita as well.

I pre-ordered last week, no hands on time at all. Just faith in the Playstation brand. Hasn't disappointed me at all during our last 14 year relationship. PS1,PS2,PSP,PS3 and soon we are welcoming the PSV. The future is bright even if no one can see it now.

I pre-ordered a week ago

HD will help you for sure :P

I just want the to put Legend of Dragoon on the SEN store......... :) (practicing)

That's cool, that is really all I want them to do to FFVII and I think the Vita would be a great place for them to do that!


DDooingg jjuummmppinngg jaacksss aass I ttttyypee thissss!

cause of problem= phishing

:( oh well at least the boxes are "cute"..........*hands in man card*

None of those came with anything in the box??.....well besides the game. I have Hot Shot and ModNation coming

Bummer for sure but I decided to pick it up anyways, I also got Hot Shots. I don't think I've owned a playstation platform and not owned Hot Shots. lol

You were more than likely going to get another firmware update before the Vita dropped anyways.

Lol, Yay for memory retention!

You don't like to grab boob?

If you see a pee stain your probably looking to closely. This is a glance and move on situation. That said he seems to have hair everywhere but on top of his head....or that's just one big ass forehead.