
Haha, I tried the same thing. I bought the Wii version of COD4 for my nephew on Christmas and I tried to play it for a bit but like you said it felt unnatural. I would obviously half to learn how to use a controller all over again and I'm not sure I really want to do that.

Also one must remember how long it took them to acknowledge the Red Ring fiasco, and then how long it took for them to actually fix it.

I still own this game on dreamcast at one point I owned it on the NGC as well. I was always hoping for a sequel but at this point I would settle for a re-release on PSN on because I'm not sure where the dreamcast is....but I know where that game is :) One of my all time favorites.

Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Does the US have anything other then black? I think the white one MIGHT have been released here. I'm still hoping for the blue GT5 one to hit the shores..!


Does anyone know for sure if PSN titles will be playable on Vita?

Definitely! Color me interested, I can't to see more.

ah yes, you might be right.

I guess that works for the xbox and wii but the PS3, PSP and Vita are all region free. Translation patches I don't know anything about so I'll be quite on that one.

I was under the assumption that the iphone was jailbroken so that it could run on other networks and that is why it was allowed.

Yes, I bought 2 last week. I needed one to plug into my $75,000 TV/Microwave combo. :) Keep studying and one day you too can amass the kind of wealth that I have. 1% baby that's where it's at!

lol! I'm not sure that makes it any better but thanks for the laugh!

I miss old school turn based Final Fantasies........guess I'm just old

There are so many different branches of FedEx and none are really connected to each other. I worked for Express for about 5 years. 3 at the Sea-Tac airport as a handler 2 at BFI/LKEA station as a courier. I became pretty good friends with the UPS and DHL drivers on my route. If the truck isn't packed to the brim with


I wish you would have asked about customization like V2 had. I'll probably pick it up if it has that. I loved terrorist hunt

I think I need to put MW3 to the side and pick up BF3.

Total opposite for me

lol Nice!

*checks time* *lights joint, inhales*