
thanks for your answers!

curious if this "limited edition" is like Bad Company 2s "limited edition" which you could pick up months after release....

Yeah, I really hope the next R6 game keeps the customization that Vegas 2 had. I also loved me so terrorist hunt. That was basically all I played :)


Nice, thanks for telling me that since I didn't mention the xbox anywhere in my post. I also bought two PS2s and since we are being snarky here, I feel the need to let you know I have bought 2 xboxes as well. Only 1 PS3 though...knock on wood.....oh and 1 Wii but that was for my nephew.

249 bro....eat it....it tastes good! lol

Teenage kids, young adults.....I'm pretty sure you don't stop being a dad just because your kids aren't....uh...kids

I think the PS2 is somewhere in the range of 152 million world wide and still selling....not bad for the old black box

If Jesus can make water turn to wine, why not grab an older system and turn it into a PS3....or you can always ask your daddy, he can make something out of nothing it seems

just curious if anyone here plans on buying this game?

Read the article. It explains it.

Really?!?! That's the first I've heard of that but that would be cool.

my problem with the mitten is that on the vita the analog nubs stick up more then they did on the psp, I'll go for a case but maybe something nicer than the one shown above

How far do the analog sticks...uh....stick out, that would seem like a problem for me. If they stick out quit a bit then I would think a case would be better than a mitten. Just my opinion. I can't wait to get my hands on a vita but I'm sure it will just end up sitting around like my psp. Hopefully remote play is more

I like the first and last case shown in the video

hell yeah they still make Big league chew! I use to chew that stuff all the time....like 20 years ago hahaha

hmm Saints Row the 3rd is in a new city altogether so........ I happen to like both games but I guess your entitled to your own opinion.

I imagine the could charge a little more as well....but I would want this also...taking a break from watching Scarface and would love to jam of some vice city....just not on a phone

As long as it comes out on both systems and terrorist hunt makes a return, I'll be happy.

Yes, I can admit I totally failed there.....*hangs head in shame* lol