
Now it will completely transition to Xbox Live Gold<<<<< This.

Please return the openness and humor that was in BC1

definitely not Method Man is f***king awesome!!

I have yet to break an Xbox controller though so you must have some serious rage....I'll stay out of your way :)

*sigh* Kotaku what happened to the show all replies button at the bottom.....please for the love of god find a layout and stick with it. Thanks.

haha good to know that I'm not alone, I just bought my 3rd Playstation controller over the weekend....I requested tougher controllers on the PS Share Blog but have yet to see it come through. Thicker plastic might help lol

would I be wrong in assuming that these could also be played on the PSVita?

Maximo: Ghosts to Glory YES!!!

What do you want to know?

not a fan of the metro ui. Other than that I really don't care, I rarely turn my XBox on these days. Once the slim drops to 150 with a hard drive I'll pick that up, until then my launch 360 will continue to be my wireless headset holder :P

These are the same kids that will follow you around on a map and camp on you shooting you over and over if they find out they are more skilled than you and call you gay while they do it. What did you think they were going to do? lol

BFBC2 beta>BF3 beta one convinced me to by day one, the other convinced me to hold out and see whats what after release.... my opinion.


lol, it should be out there somewhere

And there are 2 tiers of elite. One paid, the other free, it doesn't matter which you get. You will have access to all the stats regardless if you paid or not. [www.callofduty.com]

I'll bite, your not forced to pay for elite either. If you pay for elite you get extras including map packs and more space for videos, and entry into big prize competitions....but whatever.

I don't know how many times I've wanted to do the same to some punk ass kid talking shit. 13 years old he shouldn't have been playing the game anyways. Almost every shooter I own says M on it. which means 17+

Most of the games I've played we have gotten out of the subway, probably by luck. Voice chat is almost none existent and I've had absolutely NO luck squading up with my friends. We ALWAYS get split up and put on different teams or different squads. It makes it hard to have any teamwork. The last part of the map is my

^^^^ This!