
Okay thanks, I'll have to try that later. I bought the new wireless headset from sony just for this game... guess I'll just use the blue tooth one later and out put to tv.....kind of stupid though.

I don't know why they didn't pick this map for the beta in the first place. Metro sucks IMO

Anybody get in a game on PS3 where you can talk to your friends??? I played 5 different games today 3 with my buddy who I know has a mic and we couldn't talk to each other. We were on the same squad???? WTF

Anybody get any voice chat on PS3

I couldn't wait for the US Playstation division to get off their ass and put it up. So I snagged it from the EU store.

Hmm, as I'm looking at the picture of the Vita.....I THINK I see some buttons but I could be wrong......

NOT ENOUGH RAM IN THE PS3. IT'S BEEN DISCUSSED, IT'S NOT HAPPENING. They made it a priority for the PSVita. Just except it and move on.

Whatever Respawn is working on will take just take: time

How about getting a hard drive? I got a 500gb from amazon a while back for about 70bucks. Pretty sure you can find them cheaper now.

The price of those rims are ridiculous. They're cool looking though.

singing over techno beats should be outlawed!! I don't like MCs over Jungle music either......just no.....don't do it

I also bought my Ps3 for 500 bucks last year I spent an extra 70 bucks and got a 500gb hard drive. It took all day to back up and re-install everything but it was totally worth it. I highly recommend it. I have an old 20gb 360 that I barely use anymore just because it's too loud and it gives me E74s. Either way I

Man, I love 80s' movies and The Karate Kid is right up there.....the new one not so much.

Please tell me this isn't real!!! Wow!! I cried with laughter through out the whole thing!!! I'll pick up a Kinect when it hits the bargain bin.........could I use a Jp Kinect in a US Xbox? I'm pretty sure those will be on sale soon.

I don't own a Kinect and probably never will but I'm sure you can play Forza 4 with kinect while sitting. I think it was just the first generation games that forced you to stand.....I could be wrong though.

*slow claps*

Broadstripe has been bought out by Wave Broadband :(

*explodes into dust*

Is there anyway to find out how long some of these contracts last?