
The thing that most people don’t get, is that for a fuckup of this magnitude to happen, every single one of those rules has to be broken, simultaneously. - this isn’t an “oops, my bad” style “slip-up”, this is gross and sequential negligence.

Anyone who can’t learn those simple rules has no business carrying a gun. The end.

The Four Rules

Gamers, already worried that No Man’s Sky is destined to be the next Spore, saw this as a red flag.

I have a better solution: stop making essential characters. Let our actions have consequences. And stop with the lazy design that makes it so one character who needs to be alive can be killed by incidental hazards, or stop requiring one character to be alive.

The essential characters were either awesome(Piper, Curie, Nick, Dogmeat, Cogsworth) or crappy(Marcy, Preston, Strong, Father, Hancock), with almost no gray area except for the ones you just felt bad for like Mama Murphy and Phyllis.

Curie was like a gentle spring breeze that smelled faintly of lilacs.

Yes, he’s an outsider, and that’s their own doing, too! Because they’ve been banging on about how horrible government is and how politicians are elitists who can’t be trusted for so long, and now, whaddaya know, Trump’s outsider status and lack of knowledge and experience in matters of governance is being cast by his

What do you mean “but with?”

They never thought the lunatics could take over the asylum. They stare wide-eyed at the carnage around them, wondering how the rabid dog that is the Tea Party finally got off its leash and infected as many people as possible while ignoring the fact that they bred it and raised it, thinking they could somehow keep it

I have been saying that since the beginning of this farce of an election. Every time one of the GOP whines about Trump bringing the party down I want to remind them that this is simply the chickens coming home to roost.

Yep. It’s a little rich for Republicans to get outraged by Trump’s behavior when he’s just expressing what they’ve been expressing all along, only in slightly more overt terms.

THIS. Liz Mair made some great points, but she should know that the Orange One is just the culmination of what the party has been moving towards for decades. The rise and takeover of the Tea Party faction was merely a catalyst of the party descending into madness. It’s not that he’ll “take the party down,” as she

If you haven’t already, I would encourage everyone to watch that NYT video. It is extremely upsetting and disturbing. To anyone who is a Trump supporter, I want to know why this is the type of people that your nominee attract. These look like people that I pass on the street or in the grocery store or even at a

I think it’s just that people have run out of “acceptible” terms to describe him. They started out trying to frame him in political terms but everyone is just coming to the conclusion that he’s just some asshole guy who’s pounced on the “regular Joe” thing as it started to become popular and decided to run for

When decades of “government is the problem” rhetoric, combined with virulent anti-intellectualism, combined with worship of business enterprise above social good, combined with continual stoking of racist, sexist, xenophobic fear and hatred all finally coalesce into the puffed-up tangerine spectre of Donald Trump—the

Finally a pundit that tells it exactly like it is. Of course, it took a woman to get there, because none of the parade of men (except Zakaria) has had the balls to say that. Even though she’s a Republican, she wins today’s prize for the most stunningly honest statement.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

Honestly, we try not to discriminate at all when it comes to beliefs and political viewpoints. But we do discriminate when it comes to assholes, so you probably shouldn’t apply.

I guess my pun was not very effective.