
Can “Send Anna on a Thing” be a regular feature pls


No thanks. It’s way easier to grind, collect, and breed Pokemon on a portable platform that you can use on the go.

I do! Especially since it’s still getting games.


If people stop buying games at launch, doesn’t that just encourage developers to not even try to finish a product? I would assume they’d just unofficially consider “launch” to be “early access” and stop bothering to finish a game when they know people won’t expect one. It seems like that could even lead to developers

i loved that game. and i want it on steam.

That’s cool. But what about Jet Set Radio Future, Sega!? :( Maybe one day.

teaching me to play XCOM instead

This is just an excuse, sorry. ASW games are popular in the fighting game scene, have very good mechanics, and they put in plenty of work on the single player mode. Probably the best singleplayer mode ever in a fighter was VF4 Evo’s on PS2, and nobody would say VF skips on mechanics.

There’s a reason why, say, ASW puts so much work into their SP modes. People do play these modes.

You mean, like the online play that doesn’t work?

important investigative questions that only will bring

Mad Catz brand deal incoming.

Man, fuck off.

Yes! It is all a conspiracy. He just played for countless of hours just to fail to make people believe in his authenticity and then he just cheated his way through. =)

It’s because the game DOES expect, and want to you to kill her by mistake. Had you killed her your first time, Flowery would have rubbed it in your face. When I did it, I felt so bad, I reloaded the game, and replayed it until I figured it out. After which, Flowery this time rubs it in your face that you reloaded the

As a fan of Pokemon and Level-5 I was extremely excited for this game, but ultimately it didn’t have the staying power that I sought. Please don’t misunderstand, Yo-Kai Watch is a beautiful and charming game that often felt like a love letter to Heart Gold & Soul Silver. It has whimsy ah-plenty, but don’t expect that