
because video games


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You don’t need to understand anything to watch CS:

Yeah, it’s not a lock for everyone.

Yes, I think it is definitely case specific.

as with most things related to PC gaming, your mileage may vary.

That’s not true. We cover plenty of successfully Kickstarted games on Kotaku - we just cover them as GAMES, not Kickstarter projects. When we talk about games like Undertale or Shovel Knight or Pillars of Eternity, the fact that they were Kickstarted is just a footnote.

I just imagine that working for this guy has to be a act in frustration, he seems like the type of person that changes his mind every hour on what he wants and how to do it.

I’ve got a title for anyone interested in writing a biography for Molyneux:

What they would look like after a game over screen? Uh... these are more like what would happen if they got thrown in a Eye of Terror from Warhammer 40K for a few hundred years.

Those Weasley twins look familiar

The more attention this thing gets the more dirt on The Fine Bros seem to appear.

Those New Vegas challenges were great. Kill House with a golf club? “A Slave Obeys.” Assassinate Caesar with a knife? “Historical Propriety.” Assasinate President Kimball with a pistol? “Sic Sempar Tyrannus.” There were also ones for killing robots with the Blade Runner gun, killing gangsters with tommyguns, and even

I LOVE RotTK, but not enough to pay 90 bucks for a digital-only, not-in-english version of it.

I feel like someone at DC looked at what’s going on with Archie comics and completely missed the point.

I mean, I thought knowing this was integral to understanding Lady Eboshi’s character. All of the people that worked for her came from two groups: lepers, and former prostitutes. Essentially she employed outcasts that would normally have been shunned, making that aspect of her very humane and caring.

Yeah. I remember clearly understanding that the characters clearly were lepers back when I first saw it as a dumb high-schooler in the late 90s, so it couldn’t have been that subtle. I’ve never heard it described as an ‘urban legend.’ That seems silly.

Wait, the fact they were lepers and discriminated against elsewhere was an urban legend? I thought that was a super obvious part of the story.

*looks up from her Vita*