
Funny thing is though that unlike DLSS and XeSS, AMDs technology tends to be more hardware agnostic. FSR will work on nVidias 10 series GPUs and later for instance. Sure DLSS may be superior in quality, but won’t work on anything that’s not an nVidia card.

One important thing to note on your comments (which are valid mind you), Sony is relatively small compared to Microsoft.
Microsoft could buy up all of Sony for the spare change in their couch cushions if needed. (MS market cap is ~$2,500 Billion ; Sony is ~$115 Billion). The FTC does take that into account, which you

Let’s be clear here, none of the reason above really matter to the publishers. The only real reason is that with digital only releases they’ll destroy the second hand market that was eating into their profit margins.
Add that the proprietary storefronts for consoles are often more expensive than physical copies and you

Someone also made a custom “Titan” submarine for the submarine horror game Barotrauma, though I imagine the real sub won’t be at risk of being eaten by a hellish monstrosity from the depths of the moon Europa. 

if you want to get seriously cold, add some pure ethanol to the mix and watch that puppy go WAY colder still.

light could work, providing you’re working at wavelengths that do not get absorbed by water (ie. blue/green) rather than the standard red/IR generally used for communication lasers.
But radio and such is a bit problematic indeed.

As a woman, I really enjoy being able to play as a woman in games. Aloy is probably my favourite game protagonist to date, and I hope to be able to add this young lady to the list as well.

They’re allowed to store that data in the EU, and use that within the rules provided. That’s not wanting the access for free, it’s telling Meta that it can’t do as it pleases with the data.

Faced with unpopular policies and ideas the GOP will abandon democracy rather than adapting to the new situation, it’s as simple as that.

Every accusation is a confession... Grand Old Projection at its finest.

I feel that Chopper is more of a Chaos Goblin, if you want pure psychopath then you’re looking at BT from the Aphra comics.
Now that is a murderous bot. Triple-Zero is also quite mad, but that’s a torture droid first, murderous psychopath second.

oddly enough, due to being able to change the settings you can generally get decent to good performance out of any game, providing it was designed properly. Hardware Quircks don’t help, true, but a good, optimized code base will allow for decent performance on almost any PC. The benefits of scaling really. But if that

There’s a reason a lot of us PC gamers are much more fond of indie gaming developers these days. 😄 Not as demanding on the hardware, and generally developed with a LOT more care and attention.

DeSantis is about to find out why you do not mess with the House of Mouse...

At least it is not “Armageddon” by default. 😁

I’m a Stellaris player, with nearly a 1000 hours in the game. I’ve committed warcrimes on warcrimes and ended untold trillions of lives in that time...
Thankfully it’s all a game though.  

Unlike DeSantis, Trump has worked in TV entertainment. Everyone knows you do not mess with the House of Mouse if you value your career, as Ron is going to find out to his detriment.

Ronny is setting himself up to run for the Presidency, he genuinely does not care what happens to Florida in his quest to achieve that. He needs to impress the conservative crazies, and this is just a means to that end.

you could already disable the animation for picking these up (so you had to press, but it would be instant), and now you can avoid that all together by going full auto.

I would characterize the female protagonist of Returnal as many things... but repulsive definitely isn’t one of them. No, she is not a hyper-sexualized caricature of a woman, true. And she certainly doesn’t need to be.