
Uhm, I didn't say it was true for everyone. "Most" is not everyone, and "I believe it works in some specific cases" makes it clear that it works for some people. What is with people on the internet lately misreading the things I say? I completely agree that it works for some people and some people are happy being

seriously. if anything, she should have gotten one for losing isaiah. the acting in that movie was phenomenal.

It's pretty weird, in retrospect, that Halle Berry won an Oscar for Monster's Ball. That movie really is a god damn mess.

if only they'd given moe a neckbeard and fedora this one time.

Psst... The Jez writers are always drunk blogging. It's the enduring legacy of Burt.

She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.

But there really are very few stories about contemporary HIV infection in film or TV these days. We get plenty of throwbacks to AIDS crisis tragedy, but not nuanced stories of living a poz life in 2015. I think Nowalk and Shonda will do the subject justice with a much more complex emotional arc than we're used to

I've heard speculation that Wes is her son — when her uncle molested her, she got pregnant and then gave her son up for adoption.

Who the fuck hates on Bruno Mars? Dude is like a little dancing ray of sunshine. I want to keep him in my pocket for days when I'm sad. I can open it and he'll be in there all dancing and smiling and singing like yea yea YEA!

My sex-paladin casts "Taunt of Slut" at the Archconservative for 10 damage.

You know you're an asshole when even Canada, the politest country in the world, is like ERMPH. BACK UP, TURN AROUND, WALK AWAY.

What about if you are a girl and you go all the way with a girl? Who gets called a slut then?

Um, yeah, because you know who ELSE used to be a sexy hipster Jesus? Robin Thicke.

Every time I see the name Taylor Kinney, my mind goes to Kerri Kenney. I prefer my alternate universe where Lady GaGa marries Deputy Trudy Wiegel.

Perhaps Amal has a picture of Kim on her wall to inspire her to be a strong woman, ala Beyonce.

I think the question is: Who would Amal Clooney absolutely NOT want as an intern?

I had to include felt Elvis. It's Felt-vis.

Holy shit, can I give this comment an Oscar? And offer Common protection from her wrath? Come to my house, Mr. Lynn, I'll give you amnesty. Among other things.....

those are in the danish butter cookie tins. that are sometimes actually sewing supplies.