
It’s 2022 and you’re still using the word “problematic” unironically?

You accused me of being a psychic before, so let me take a shot at it and predict that you’ll deflect from my point again.

You’ve already admitted you’re an autistic, brain-damaged, trailer-dwelling troll (many, many times) who couldn’t get a job cleaning toilets. (You’d be too busy chasing the first little boy you could find. :D)

(as you imagine seeing comments that aren’t even there)...

“I haven’t acknowledged them”— all one of “them”?? :D :D :D Yeah, you’re the poster boy for sanity, you inbred, drug-addicted little parasite. How many voices do you hear in your head a minute, as you try to keep an utterly meaningless “flame war” going past two weeks? You very, very badly need to admit that raping

I am a mentally ill person with a menial, low-income job and no friends.

I’m curious if you cry yourself to sleep over the fact that your fellow online illiterate, whom you’re so quick to lick ass for defend, doesn’t even acknowledge you.

Avoiding the issue again. Let’s see you respond to this statement:

There you go again.  Your obsession with grammar and punctuation hasn’t done much to help you professionally, it seems.

You’ve gotten really real quiet about your crappy job.

You’ve gotten real quiet about your crappy job.

Your whole “mentally unstable, underachieving pedant” shtick is the real cliché.

Seems like I hit a nerve.  Nobody’s impressed that you work at Wendy’s.

I’m guessing because you have a job in the service sector where you don’t have access to a computer. Or maybe you’re in such a low-level position that you’re not allowed to use your work computer to access entertainment websites.

I’m comfortable enough with my career that I don’t feel the insecure need to brag about

Actually, that Dustin Hoffman gif probably looks a lot like you when you're asked if you have friends. 

Repeating yourself again. How tragic. 

Anytime I ask if you have friends, you post that quote again. You're far more guilty of mindless repetition than I am. You're also guilty of deflection.  You don't want to face the fact that the only people who can tolerate you are your coworkers. 

So are you saying that you think I’m upset based on that quote? I don’t see why you would think that. I do, admittedly, think you’re suffering from some kind of mental illness, but if you’ll note, that was the first thing I said to you. My opinion on whether you’re suffering from mental illness was initially based on

I ask questions that I’m curious to know the answers to.  I want to know if you have friends in real life, because it really doesn’t seem that you do.

Awww— have you started to calm down now, Miss Speaker?