
Yes. If you have been collecting that stuff and don't know if you'll be able to reacquire everything if you HDD goes bust....

WebOS went open source so they wouldn't even need to pay for it....

You do know that there are combined washing/drying appliances right?

Just get a 580.

Gizmodo is the one calling those objects moons. If you read the original articles the astronomers correctly call them satellites.

That stuff has been in use for quite some time and is clearly marked. So there is no way anyone will "accidentally" get into it. If they do there will be a lot of explaining waiting them back at the airport.

How was it an act of war on both sides? If you violate the airspace of a sovereign nation, they have the right to shoot you down.

You had to go there, didn't you?

You can see the track slope up at the end.

What's going on at 2:24?

He is talking about Transformers 2

All those UAVs and UCAVs are making me seriously wonder if I chose the bad time to become an army aviator... :/

"It's just a friendly, slowly spinning spherical asteroid darker than charcoal saying high"

Only if they do away with the penny, I heard that is also costing them more money to produce than the value they put on it.

"Calculations began on 16 October last year and were over a third complete when a hard drive failure on 9 December meant the pair had to start from scratch - the failure occurred just before a scheduled backup. Then the earthquake struck on 11 March, soon after the pair had reached 47 per cent completion."

Restart the game but while building your stealth, upgrade your strengh so that you can lift heavy objects. You can kill him with just the explosive barrels laying around.

Apologies accepted.

What? Where exactly did I dismiss hate crimes? I lost a friend because of said hate crimes. What the hell is your problem???

The thing is at least here in the US, the stupidity is somewhat harmless. When I was still in Africa, I had a friend in high school who go murdered because someone started spreading the rumor that he was gay(he wasn't). And apparently gay people are viewed as possessed by demons or something. Depending on where you go

Then slap him with a fine of the amount of the taxes he owe plus interest and put him under house arrest until it is completely paid. No need to throw anyone in prison that way.