
The pilot doesn't even need to do anything. Unless the hijacker managed to smuggle guns onboard, he will probably get mauled by the other passengers who obviously do not want to die. 9/11 pretty much ended the submissive attitude that was advised when facing a hijacking. If you are going down, you might as well go

.... The FBW didn't have anything to do with this crash. Google the Aeroperu 757 crash. Same exact situation. Night and the ASI dumped on them, they crashed even though the plane could have safely been brought back to the airport. At no point weren't the pilots not in control here, the plane was perfectly flyable

They couldn't diagnose the stall because they were flying in turbulence, at night and and the PF was trying is best not to overspeed. It also seems that he decided to not trust his instruments anymore.

The thing is a hypersonic vehicle, if for whatever reason it stopped flying straight, the aerodynamic force would just tear it to pieces.

Only if we start wasting it.

Looks like the truck might have been speeding and braked hard when he saw the police car...

I've seen many like that when I was in Texas, it was mostly with cumulonimbus forming just as the sun is about to rise or set.

He is the black object that impacts the road at 0:08, slides all the way to the other side of the highway and almost gets run over by that grey sedan at 0:11.

That was back in 2004, just before they released Tribes Vengeance.

I haven't played Tribes since they gave away Tribes 2. Does anyone know if the Beowulf flag camping was still a problem in the subsequent incarnations of the game?

What about coating the bowl in lacquer? That should solve the sand in your food problem.

Then it flew over over my head :s. I need to get my mind of the gutter.

Actually I think that here the artist was making a play on the fact the "une pipe" is another word for fellatio in french.

Wait. Did the author actually go to 2K to ask if that event was really men only? Because from what I gathered from the article, her colleagues told her not to come because they didn't know she didn't have problems with the kind of things that would pop up in there.

But it is so delicious with toasted bread!

Is it just me or does it look like Jacob's right eye is pointed straight at her butt?

Can we vote scientists and engineers to Congress, instead of all the businessmen, lawyers and politicians that are currently there?

Wikipedia has a pretty exhaustive list of the US mvnos, you just need to find one that subs AT&T's network.

I just read some seriously messed up stuff there. I guess the filth of /b/ find ways of leaking into the slightly more normal areas of the web once in while...