
I've seen similar jumps end the same. Sometimes there's death involved.

@iamchris: How is it clear? He had liver transplant. Did he not? He very well could have permission from a Dr to park close.

@Deal Killer: Yes, this one has my vote. I got hooked, on both the show and car.

This isn't probably as old as you're looking for, but people are blown away when I tell them my bugeye WRX wagon is an 02. 8 years old.

Looking at the original and the render pics, it seems that they are missing the bulge in the front end - hood. The rendering is just too flat and looses depth. "too" wedge, if that's possible.

If you suspect fleas, place a light right above a pan of water that has a little soap in it (to reduce surface tension). At night the fleas jump at the light and fall into the water.

@nks5295: 5. I had no problems. I did it last night on my iPhone4. While I was in before the facetime fix, it was easy to resurrect facetime (update cydia, restart, turn on facetime in settings). Go for it.

Wait a second. The plaque by this car said it was the Sultan's old car? I saw it three weeks ago. But it was left hand drive.

Just don't try to fix a 1st gen iphone. what a royal pain in the rear.

He'll never do that again. I feel sorry for the guy.

And you just know that the guys who put those one just slapped on them on as aggressively as possible.

It's about time we see something like this. I've always had the hardest time figuring out where we are (I don't keep up with it and only check in once in a while).

Not to mention the pilots fingers are crossed? what the? Is that a helicopter tradition? Preflight finger cross?

This makes sense, considering that most people are in a car are for going somewhere.

@chelle29: Is it jealousy? Or maybe it's just arrogance. The entitlement attitude that comes with cops and other "safety" officials blows me away.