
I would love to play these versions.

"Eating so much fast food had made me sluggish, even fuzzy-headed. My eyes were strobing, and not to pull a Morgan Spurlock, but I did, briefly, think I might be having a heart attack."

There's no way. There's already enough turbulence around a car that dimples wouldnt do much. And besides, cars aren't spheres and fly straight regardless.

@Novaload Misses Murilee: You took the words right out of my mouth. I realize not everyone can be video editors, but come one people.

@Doug Nelson: I saw it and was going to post the same comment. What kills me about the research is the INCREASE in some cases. Very interesting.

@jordan314: That's nice! That's the only non-default apps that I have installed, and will keep. Very handy.

Another washing machine story: We bought one that came with a supply of detergent. The coupons expired so we just stockpiled them. I haven't bought detergent in 3 YEARS. I don't do a LOT of laundry, but still, it saved me a bundle.

This make me so sad. There are so many kits that are MADE for that engine. This is just ridiculous. I can't look away it's so horrible.

Nifty, but I couldn't live without Scrollbar Anywhere. Hold down the right button and it's like grabbing the scroll bar. It's SO much faster than the dang wheel.


I know it's useless to say this, but make it AWD and I'm in. I've just driven AWD for too long and can't go back (3 Subaru and 2 Audi).

I completely agree with this study. I used to eat quite healthy. But once I got married I started to eat steak more, pick the fattiest (read: delicious) items, etc. I don't blame my wife, but she was a health nut and always gave me a hard time about what I ate - but I wasn't that bad! Because of that I think I

I learned the hard way, leave the to: out of it until the end. Even when i reply I delete the name before starting.

he's fun and funny.

I had a set that leaked. Buyer beware. Also, sometimes people who use them come off as pretentious for some reason.

@Deprong Mori: Agreed! I'm so tired of long videos that would have been explained in a set of easy to read directions. This era of video walk-throughs killing me. In some ways it's great, but there's something to be said about written step by step directions.

This sounds like it really just comes down to the suggested portions of the recipes, not the ingredients. Not as earth shattering as I wanted. Still, good point, eat less.

This is great. For the longest time I've wanted to share my wanderings. I haven't looked at the new version, but sure hope you have some control over the record feature - as in not recording every move in real time.

This is great. I can't keep up so I gave up shopping for fun apps. I still haven't bought any. But a friend showed me a few of his the other day and I think I'm missing out. Thanks for the link.