Axl Surette


Counterpoint: Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark.

So much here boggles my mind, I don’t even know where to begin.

I second the funeral scene.

Well thanks, it’s not like I wanted a happy and peaceful day today.

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to this day not sure wich is worse Nina Or Houges daughter at the funneral

I think the original anime as a whole was better than brotherhood, and better than the manga. The manga got too convoluted, added too many one-note, unimportant characters that kept getting page time, and a way too happy, everything-tied-up-nice ending.

Is that really depressing? Yes. Is it the most depressing moments in anime. I think Grave of the Fireflies tops Fullmetal as the most depressing.

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I love that as part of the marketing for Expendables 3 they hired these guys to make a one-off called Expendabros featuring characters from the movie. Then they released that for free and had it say “If you enjoyed this get the original game.”

That is one hell of a run-on sentence. There are plenty of reasons games aren’t localized to certain systems, or otherwise released in certain regions, besides simple sales figures.

Yeah, definitely only “weebs” who like the Vita. Couldn’t possibly be people that like to game on their commute, right?

You clearly are not affected by this.

This is good Kinja

Fuck you for having a reasonable opinion, I guess. :/

I guess I should be glad I don't work in an Orwellian nightmare of a job where having opinions gets you fired.