Axl Surette

Oh good, now if only I hadn’t missed that random encounter and nearly every other non-combat one because Bethesda removed the radar pips for friendlies in F4.

That’s not true, the definition of to censor reads as follows:

A person who examines books, movies, letters, etc., and removes things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc.

The problem is about equivalency. When content is taken or edited from games when it appears needless or arbitrary, people will get upset. There are most definitely people who get upset about content alteration no matter what, but you can be guaranteed these people would be in the minority if content edits that appear

Personally, I feel like this argument just moves away from what people are actually bothered about.

It’s a little more complicated than that.

The ad is hilarious cause they are clearly spoofing apple product release vids. I’m always down for making fun of apple

Another one that was discovered a while back: there was a Flowey-themed discount on Fangamer (Undertale’s merchandise partner). If you took it, you got “The Bad Ending” when the stuff you ordered showed up.

“It’s more situational...”

Then maybe letting people know how these situation works would keep them from complaining. The way they’re speaking it seems like it IS a useless stat and they just don’t want to acknowledge. I understand they’re known for being cryptic, but there has to be a point where letting people know

Anti-intellectualism is such a sad and potentially destructive trend in our culture.

Since according to these lawyers, words seem to confuse people, all future games will just be a unique number starting with the next released game.

I’m kind of baffled as to how this wasn’t the way it worked from the beginning.

You do not understand intellectual property law.

Assassin’s Creed designer Patrice Desilets has settled his legal dispute with Ubisoft, he announced today. Ubisoft has given Desilets back the rights to the game that they cancelled, Project 1666. Full statement in the comments.

This is Kickstarter, and John Romero’s about to make you his pitch.

Don’t forget Box Boy! It’s about a year old, and a sequel just came out in Japan.

Man, it sounds like the game just didn't click with you, because the sillier and nuttier the game got, the more it resonated with me. That crazy stageshow was fuckin' great to me!

It’s too bad so few people remember that one - it’s always been one of my favorites.

Then you end up with Deadly Premonition, which I still enjoyed.

Well, that’s just like, your opinion.

I happen to enjoy the game. Even if I know it’s obviously not as good as most of Lynch’s stuff, it’s still interesting. Perfect? No. But still worthy of being played. American Nightmare, even more so.

I think the root of this complaint is that you took the game more seriously than it intends. There are a number of goofy moments in this “serious game”. This is a Remedy trait that was also in Max Payne 2, a game series that looked super-serious on-the-surface.