Axl Surette

I’ll be one of those 27, so, I suppose I’ll see you in one of the 6 lobbies that are actually available. =P

Sorry, Florina. I typed the previous comment from my phone, and it likes to autocorrect to very close but still incorrect words or names. >.>

Ultimately, the level of ease a player has with a character like Takumi comes down to two things: the time put in your training the available units (obviously), and the summons you actually receive. I’ve gotten some decent summons, but nothing that can combat Takumi in the slightest. My best units are Lucina, Jakob,

I can understand that. It doesn’t bother me personally, though I think it depends on the game being played (something that causes a lot of reactions, it doesn’t bother me, but something that should be played on a more somber note, yeah, it would be rather jarring and strange).

Any notable Twitch streamers in the top to avoid? Or, ones you feel fit that toxic label you mentioned? I only semi-frequently use it to watch Cryaotic (one of the bigger streamers on Saturday night) or anyone from the Rooster Teeth crew.

Aww, Hawkeye!? I think I’ve seen one in Arena matches so far. A whole one. I consider you lucky to have him!

Before I type the rest of this out, could I ask if English is your first language? There are a few sentences here and there in your posts that just don’t quite come across the way you might think they do. I mean no offense; I just want to be sure I’m not just misreading some of what you’ve previously typed out.

I’m doing the same with my Tharja. My girlfriend summoned her 5-star version, and has absolutely breezed through the campaign up to the middle of Chapter 9 on Hard (with a good chunk done on Lunatic). I got the 4-star version, so now I’m hoarding feathers to get her to 5 stars before anything else.

The issue I’ve run in to, aside from his crazy stats, is that he often gets paired with a healer who can stay way behind him to boost his health back, with no way of getting any fliers or riders past him quickly enough to remove the healer from the battlefield.

I actively avoid any arena fights where I can immediately see Takumi on the difficulty selection screen. Even with a level 25~+ 5-star Lucina, Jakob, and Camilla, with a superpowered 4-star Florina (who’s been WAY better than I expected her to be), I can NEVER win against a team with Takumi. As soon as I get close,

Are we talking a 4 or 5 star version, or any version? I think I’d sooner get some version of her than any version of Hector or Takumi (or my personal bae Lyn. RIP all summons so far).

No problem! Honestly speaking, the majority of my issues with them stem from one of the founders, Kassem G, and the general way the company treats their creators. Kassem is an all-around creep in basically everything I’ve ever seen him in, and Maker tends to take way larger cuts of YouTube revenue than other MCNs,

Just to clear up any potential insinuations you might have about me or my beliefs: I’m centric, leaning more to the left in almost all cases, outside of a select few. As far as womens’/gay/equal rights goes, I’ll always stand for their basic needs or requirements, but I won’t pretend like every woman is the same, or

I really wonder how they feel about Ethan as a whole... maybe his story is done, but that makes me wonder how they feel about new characters moving forward. We know so little about Ethan, about Mia (and, by association, Alan), about almost anyone or anything aside from the Bakers (and even then, there’s so many

Do you happen to have a link to that Breitbart interview? I don’t really want to get them the view (trust me, I know about their BS, I’m not a fan), but I do want to see what Jon might have said during that interview, to see if it has any bearing on what’s been happening on Twitter.

The podcast is the one thing I haven’t listened to (I don’t have 5 hours to spare to listen to American politics, my brain would start to melt. =P), so thanks for more clarity on the subject. Honestly, I don’t think people even got that far. They took an idea of what they heard he said secondhand, and ran with it. A

So, DiversityDan already made the points I was going to make about what you said, so I don’t see a point in reiterating. But, I feel like I need to, since so many people are so angry at Jon over this (leaving aside his uninformed Syrian refugee comments) when they don’t even properly comprehend the words he used.

I thought it was a case of ‘he signed with Maker, Maker got bought by Disney, Disney made the executive decision to cut him’. Disney had no say in his hiring directly, I believe; that was all Maker trying to keep him and his income. And honestly... good. Just, good. Maker is awful, in my opinion, so I’m glad that both

Oh har har, a Nickelback burn. =P

On-topic: Yeah, never quite got why Pewds was so popular. Always hated his contents’ presentation, so it astounds me that people are just getting this bothered by something he did/said now, after so much time has passed.