Teh Ax

This isn't even the worst thing this guy has said. In the past he mocked someone with both mental illnesses and disabilities during an argument over Treyarch's handling of PS3's version of COD:W@W.

No, what's absurd is the notion that only white people can and are racist or that the majority of them are. The very insinuation and or accusation is just as bigoted and racist as the stupid nonsense being spouted in those videos. Splitting hairs to justify your racist remark doesn't change the fact you said something

"So blacks, gays, women, Jews, etc. should carry the burden of avoiding being called niggers, faggots, cunts and kikes because straight white guys can't act civilized?"

He looks like K. D. Lang. Just, no.

This. So much of this. Everyone is being such a fucking wank about the matter without thinking, hey, they actually showed us THE IMPORTANT THINGS.

Clearly SmashCrunch has never played Demon's/Dark Souls. PC gaming is not the "superiour race" of "uber intelligent/micromanagerial" wunderkinds their fanatics tend to make it out to be. Look at Tropico, micromanagement works on consoles if done well.

Why? Because she's white? Racist.

That's fair. Unfortunately if you step into a GameStop you'll find there are a LOT of people who refuse to pre-order shit, then get ANGRY when they can't get a copy of a low-projected title. My apologies.

Get over it. If you pre-ordered the game you'd have it. GameStop only gets in so much stock and the store itself has no control over what the corporate sends them. What they almost 99% of the time guarantee is pre-orders, which is why the system is in place. Why should you get the game that someone else paid early

Oh yes, we sure don't want a talented dev team capable of releasing a title to critical acclaim and respected to have control of a series that never really took off. It's not like they'd, I don't know, market it properly or anything. They wouldn't just be acquiring the IP, they'd also bid on Vigil and probably

Cool story, but none of what you said applies to your statement. DQ games relied more on grinding than any other RPG out there. There was a distinct lack of strategy needed in them, relying more on pumping your levels up to succeed those of your enemies. It was an obvious padding method that unnecessarily extended the

How is "grinding" a challenge? FFVI had bosses that required you to use your magic and tools appropriately to win, Legend Of Dragoon required timing and memorization to do the most damage in your attacks. Grinding your level above that of an enemy isn't a challenge, just a test of patience and a waste of time.

How about we stop discussing the stupid theories until there's evidence of what actually happened and focus on letting everyone involved mourn the loss of a friend and coworker? Fucking christ, people. Terrible sensationalistic journalism here.

How about we stop discussing the stupid theories until there's evidence of what actually happened and focus on letting everyone involved mourn the loss of a friend and coworker? Fucking christ, people. Terrible sensationalistic journalism here.

Grinding. 90% of DQ was grinding. NNK looks to be a non-grindy, involved, intelligent RPG. Booya.

Here we watch the Keyboard Warrior try hard to look smarter than he is by using various condescending ad hominems in a vulgar display of failed alpha male posturing. At no point in my comment did I say you said any of that. I merely pointed out that regardless of his point he was a dumbass with no valid points to

w00t! It's a start at least. Here's hoping they come home safely.

Jumping rope can improve hand-eye co-ordination. BAN ALL JUMP-ROPES!

How exactly does this provide a negative image of the industry? Other than the bastards not releasing it Stateside. Damn bloody suitcase edition!