
Did I make a flop?  No, its the executives who are wrong.

The elephant in the room: that it just wasn't a very good movie.

Is Sapkowski keeping the CDPR team in the loop?

Hey, now, some of the people in that crowd might have been black. It takes at least one person to hold somebody down and choke them to death and another to keep the crowd away.

You know, I’d normally tell you that you need to go outside, but with all of the heat records being set and immediately broken, maybe being chronically online isn’t the worst move at the moment.

This comment section has big “old man yelling at the kids to get off his lawn” energy. 21-year old influencer accidentally causes a riot by promising to give stuff away is about as low on the influencer scandal scale as you can get.

Need I point out that you’ve ironically used the incorrect “your/you’re”?

I did the same thing.
When did he become the heavy?
22 years ago.

A lot of what she posted was intellectually dishonest and incredibly out of context. What she tried to do was great, but she cut corners all the way through. I think what she wanted to do was warranted and needed to be done, but she did no better than your average college paper, warts and all.

Ctrl+F ‘Zoolander’ brings no results in an article about Will Ferrell playing the bad guy?

I think part of it, as some one who was very welcoming of the pitch for Tropes v Women, is how many innacuracies there are there. It became very clear early on that we were dealing with someone who was not from our space trying to have an outsized impact on it. I can’t speak to the rest of her work and how positive a

I’ve always found myself on-the-fence when it comes to Anita Sarkeesian.

idk 15 years is a great run, I’d consider this pretty successful

How did we come around to the idea that men never watched Charlie’s Angels?

Well I mean a movie is for everyone, though some may be leaning towards specific audiences, like whatever that movie was I think last year with the 2 gay leads and I think the director bitching that straight people didn’t come out in force to see it.

Elizabeth Banks, 2019:

The word terrorism comes to mind.

I don't know how they can call this possible battery. It's clearly not battery. It is microphone.

In the case of Carbi B vs some rando who can’t be asked to be an adult and not throw shit at people on stage. I, Judge Nilus, declare writ of “Fuck around and find out”. Case dismissed

I second that it is not a “prank,” but the best you could probably prove in court is endangerment/manslaughter; depending on the outcome of the swatting.