
I know Covid-19 forced changes but WandaVision did not stick the landing and Docto Strange 2 compounded the disaster.

I don’t think Suits is even second on my list of USA shows featuring “intelligent frauds.”  White Collar was great, AND Matthew Bomer always rocked a great suit.


It’s a perfectly cromulent verb.

There are actual problems with this show. There are actual things that a skilled critic could address. There are actual plot issues, pace issues, dialogue issues, theme issues.
Which makes it all the more infuriating when Barsanti ignores them to make complaints that demonstrate his complete lack of media literacy:

From the article above:

  • The account’s libraries: Accounts that include purchased PC games are not eligible for deletion

It’s the kind of right-wing brain rot that gives us Punisher skulls on cop cars.

So cancel culture is bad, but vigilante fun violence is awesome?

Check out the video for my new song, “Try That In a Big Town”!

I never used Twitter but... was it the only way to do that? Is the understanding of the technology involved lost to time?

Sure, because you could never communicate via the internet before Twitter.

People on Twitter are complaining of a shipping headcanon?

I can hardly believe this happened

Valve isn’t going to give you store credit because they don’t need to. Plenty of people are willing to buy games on Steam without any added incentive. The same can’t be said for EGS which is why Epic has spent billions on coupons, giveaways, etc, and is willing to literally lose money during the big sales.

I have a lot of complaints about TLJ, but for Finn, that is when it became clear they weren’t actually going to do anything with the really interesting “former-Stormtrooper” concept.

His part of the Last Jedi was the only one part of many that movie that didn’t work”

His part of the Last Jedi was the only part of that movie that didn’t work so I understand why HE wouldn’t like it. 

That means he could have hated the romantic pairing or was referring to the Canto Bight plot, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t like working with Asian people and I'm sure you know that and are just baiting but damn it I'm falling for it. 

Nah, Rian Johnson fucked Finn’s arc up, and I say this as a huge fan of the guy. He absolutely bungled everything in TLJ that’s not Rey’s storyline.

The cuts to XP rewards hurt everyone...