
Speaking of useless technological developments, Fury escapes Russia using a fake face mask. Sonya looks at it and goes, “A billion dollars of research and development, and all the widow’s veil can do is cloak your face?” Even in the MCU, spending all that money for this shit seems dumb.”

Unfortunately, I’m not petty enough to hang on to this comment/screenshot for a console generation/decade or however long it takes to Be Right Online, no matter how much I do enjoy it.

to be clear, this is only in regards to Call of Duty. Not everything. Anyone who read this and assumes it’s about anything else needs to go back to grade school. 

If it’s enough to have a visible effect on the market and consumers, it’s already too much.

If MS continues to only have 20% of the console market share then no, it won’t be a monopoly.

“Bad look” and “optics” both mean “It’s your fault I misunderstood what you did.”

I’m not seeing how this connects to Dobbs or Roe. Plus it takes place in California, which hasn’t changed its policies on access to abortion rights or healthcare. If anything it has strengthened those rights.

A team of half good half awful players are still gonna get curbstomped by a team of 5 sweatys, so that headline is very misleading if there is any thought of having fun when dragging your friends into ranked. There’s a reason many avoid ranked play like the damn plague given how atrocious matchmaking and opponent

Hot take: Cloud sucks. 

Lightning is waaaaaaay too high. She has about as much character as a piece of wood with a grim face painted on it.

Putting Vaan below characters who literally don’t have personalities would be super disingenuous.

Tidus isn’t really the main character of Final Fantasy X—Yuna is.

Imagine being angry every time a female character dies, must be tiring.

If a female character dies, it’s fridging no matter what, because female and male characters should be equal and no male characters ever die in movies so no females should either.

Anyone who thinks that Nat sacrificed herself because the writers of the movie wanted to say she was less worthwhile than Clint is just looking for something to be outraged about.

To this day there is no universally agreed upon definition for fridging, it’s just one of those things you know when you see it

i think we’re all waiting for this website to do actual media criticism, and not glorified twitter threads of buzzword outrage bait.

We won’t know until we’ve seen the second half of the series.

I think a Parasite Eve HD remaster would be fantastic. I’d play the hell out of that. 

Did she “owe” anyone anything? Nope