Nobody should have to convince you. It says “Final Fantasy” on the box. It’s Final Fantasy. Period. That you dislike it is irrelevant to that fact.
Nobody should have to convince you. It says “Final Fantasy” on the box. It’s Final Fantasy. Period. That you dislike it is irrelevant to that fact.
Hard to be a trendsetter when you have multiple companies doing more or less the same thing you’re doing/used to do.
I am way less annoyed by FFXVI becoming an action game than I am about so many people asserting that Final Fantasy games have always been about reinvention. Maybe that’s true in terms of setting & narrative (and I would argue you’d have to really stretch the idea of what narrative “reinvention” means in an anthology…
Thirsty adults crowing about the sexiness of a family show is goofy.
The idea that Doctor Who wasn’t sexy before now is going to be a big shock for Tumblr.
Judging by Steam hardware surveys, that’s not true at all. The majority of PC gamers use Intel and Nvidia hardware. AMD-sponsored games tend to be disadvantageous to both Intel and Nvidia users, which means AMD-sponsorship is a negative for most PC gamers.
I doubt it. Most PC gamers don't have the latest GPUs, which means they are relying on upscaling tech to get 60 FPS or higher. That seems to be the main reason (aside from not owning an Xbox) to play on PC instead of console, so I suspect many of us will be interested.
Doctor Who has always almost always been sexy. Hartnell was sexy grandpa. Troughton was sexy uncle. Pertwee was sexy swinger uncle. Baker was sexy goofball. Davison was sexy prep school twink. Baker II was not sexy. McCoy was sexy college professor. McGann was 90s made for TV sexy.
Okay, stop using the word fridging, because I don’t think you’re 100% sure what it means. It’s not just a blanket term for literally every time a female character dies. Black Widow made a willing sacrifice for the whole universe, fighting her longtime partner all the way over who would get to make it, which is…
Secret Invasion is also supposed to give us the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, and Mephisto is going to be the secret villain behind everything.
“But Secret Invasion was supposed to be the show that finally gave Maria Hill the development and due she should have been accorded”
More to the point, Cobie Smulders has been underserved by the entire entertainment industry.
Yes, which is why thirtysomething internet writers are now using such phrases in a vain attempt to sound contemporary.
This is actual nonsense. Sun Tea is brewed before any sugar - necessary to fuel any bacterial growth - is added. Unsweatened tea is simply not a viable growth media. There is one professor that cites one patent (not even a scientific study) that is regularly quoted here. The patent is public record, there was no…
This outlet seems to really hate Tim Allen, so it makes sense.
And the series didn’t learn its lesson after it, either, as Final Fantasy XVI deals with the same fuckery.
Disagree about FF7 materia. Its fun to find and level up glowy orbs of course, but they meant that characters were essentially identical, and I like mine to have more inherent differences. FF7R solves this well, of course.
Funny tidbit about the name “gunblade” - in FFXIV lore, “guns” got their name from “gunblades”,…
This is exceptionally rich. “If they buy Activision they’ll take CoD exclusive and we’ll go out of business!”
“No they won’t, and no you won’t.”
You know those folks who shout over Mike & The Guys at Rifftrax Live because they think they’re the funniest to every funny? That’s you. (Yes, I’m saying there are normal Rocky Horror movie-interactioneers, and then there’s you.)
I don’t really have an issue with him going to a Blink-182 festival, but my guy - you don’t have to post about it.