Really a fair question, I guess because it had a couple sentences about streaming slapped on at the end? I would not call that enough, but I’m not Mr. Kotaku.
Really a fair question, I guess because it had a couple sentences about streaming slapped on at the end? I would not call that enough, but I’m not Mr. Kotaku.
These types are going to think they're right until they're proven to their face that they're not.
Remind me why this is on Kotaku?
That was my thought. It was a hot knight recusing a princess. They were totally knocking boots
Wait, they were platonic before?
I think that’s basically the problem with all these “live-action” remakes - hollow, soulless, pick your adjective. They’re cash-grabs to keep the IP alive. But it seems like most of them are grabbing cash, so they’re not going to stop.
Right but the article is painting it like this is the first time nintendo has hinted at a relationship even though they did it in the prior title.
So, it’s your average Disney remake? Hyper-polished, slave to photorealism, with every rough edge sanded off, and a few token additions, but a handful of solid performances from the female leads will carry it to another billion?
I wouldn’t say it sucked, but I’m not sure it’s one of the best finales ever (and I say this as somebody who still really loves the show). But I’m one who really likes season 7, barring a couple lame episodes. The weakening of the ubervamps for the finale takes more than a grain of salt, for sure, but also, it’s not…
I feel like you’re forgetting the following facts:
Right. Just stop playing video games. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. If gas is too expensive, just stop driving. If you can’t afford rent, just live in the street. There’s always a choice!
I think this story serves as a great example for how out of their minds fandoms are, that they are a)so invested in a pop star’s personal life and b)think they have any say over it.
So are you just saying that Aaron Keller, game director of Overwatch 2, was lying to GameSpot? Or that GameSpot made that entire interview up?
So...they didn’t decide late last year to shift efforts towards PvP and the story PvE missions and abandon the broader PvP plans like Aaron literally wrote?
Yes it is, go back to the GameSpot interview.
They didn’t.
...but I really don’t think there was any deceit or subterfuge or whatever people wanna ascribe to the overall debacle of OW2
What I’m hearing is, “It turned out we were incapable of making a game, so we just reworked the monetization model and slapped a 2 on the title so we could pretend to be launching a new game for a publicity bump. We shall now return to crawling indefinitely.”