
then-27-year-old Fonda

Why are these pirate people still downloading movies, when there are streaming sites for that now?  You’d think they’d know about them by now. 

nothing makes me feel older than seeing people still rage against portrait mode. the war is over, you lost.

He would last about 5 minutes watching an actual horror movie, and wouldn’t sleep for days.

I made the mistake of being on the Bethesda forums just before Oblivion got launched, and, holy hell, I swear these are the same people who whinged that fast travel from the map would RUIN THE GAME.

I’d say the community/culture around the game deserves some blame too. I’ve even seen a couple articles on here defending trash talk.

Overwatch died for this, rofl. So OW2 is now just a large patch, period. Not a sequel (rofl) and not even an expansion, just a big patch after a VERY long dry spell.

She’s been a vapid narcissist for the run of the series and now you’re framing her as a victim?

Let’s get real. She was very talented but grasping— completely shit on opportunities people would kill for— while also sacrificing relationships and general decency to get those opportunities— then verbally abuses both people trying to help her and someone who (while oblivious) did somewhat understand how to play the

and her nice-guy father doesn’t have anything valuable to add, either.

He’s one of those famous people that really illustrates how people can’t just be put into neat little boxes. On the one hand, he’s deep into a scam cult that does extremely unethical stuff. Sounds like he’d be a clear-cut bad guy, but on the other hand I’ve never heard anything negative about his professional behavior

Or don’t rage at anyone at all and just buy other games. Sheesh.

Gamers Not Threaten the Lives of Others.
Challenge level: Impossible.

Why would anyone want to ask Tom Cruise about Scientology? It’s not like he’s going to tell you anything you don’t know, and there’s always the chance that he’ll start talking and won’t stop. It’s like walking up to a used car salesman and telling them that you have $15,000 saved up and don’t know what to spend it on.

Yes, I would like reading to deep and seeing things that aren’t there for 1000.

Whatever happened to body positivity, love of self, and “Free To Be You And Me?” 

This thought always bothered me. People forget that NES games came with instruction manuals. I used to pour over them on the way home after buying a new game. They told you how to play. That’s how you learned.

Games didn’t just throw you in blind. There were literal booklets with them.

Petunia should have made the worst list. Spoils Dudley, absolutely abuses Harry. Making him live under the stairs and only let him have a real bedroom when they find out he’s a wizard (and that was only out of fear)? WTF?

Sometimes I wonder about if the AVClub actually watches the movies before making these lists. Some of the characters eventually get to good mom status but I’d hardly give them that moniker.

“I’m afraid that one isn’t new like Ron’s, it was actually my brother Fabian’s and he wasn’t terribly careful with his possessions, it’s a bit dented on the back, but-” The rest of her speech was lost; Harry had got up and hugged her. He tried to put a lot of unsaid things into the hug and perhaps she understood them,