
Here’s a quote from Aristotle: “Those whose skin is too dark are cowardly: witness Egyptians and the Ethiopians. Those whose skin is too light are equally cowardly: witness women. The skin colour typical of the courageous should be halfway between the two.”

There is gaslighting. There was definitely racism and prejudice based on the color of the skin. But the issue at hand here is that Americans are projecting their own local model of systemic racism relying on slavery and discrimination onto the history of other countries, erasing their specificities, just to

Jesus, it is startling how much sense that makes. Bautista totally has the stillness and contemplativeness to make that work.

If Gunn is truly thinking of pinching some Guardians for DC films, then I nominate Bautista for Lex Luthor.

Does the ministry release statements demanding changes to all the “documentaries” that say the pyramids were built by aliens?

I do think the gaslighting on this is hilarious. Writers like Aristotle, Ovid, and others routinely wrote about black individuals in mocking and negative wording (“burned face people”) and spoke of them as outsiders. They did not see them as equals.

It would be like looking back at the US 2000 years from now and saying

“The guy who shot his dad thirty times approximately 0.00005 seconds after learning he killed his mom would absolutely not have punched Thanos in the face after slowly considering the possibility that he killed the woman he loved.”

You’re not using a recent CPU on Windows 10 (what they’re talking about here is the new Intel architecture in 12th & 13th gen, which divides the cores up into “Performance” and “Efficiency” cores and Win10's support in the hypervisor for running these correctly is a bit barebones) and you’re also not using a high-end

If these third parties would just start developing for PC as the lead platform and then porting down to consoles, a lot of this would stop.  Internally, consoles are more like PCs than ever before.  This shouldn’t be hard to address.  

buddy, BMI is a garbage metric 

She’s not fat tho? Like I can't find any depiction of her as anything other than very fit and muscular. Not as muscular as zarya but still strong looking. You don't have to be fat to like food/want to eat a lot

Carb loading is a well-documented bodybuilder/muscle-building activity and isn’t gender-specific. The Rock literally posts FB pics of massive stacks of pancakes that he eats on a daily basis.

Remember: no preorders. Even beloved studios can mess up royally. *taps Cyberpunk 2077*

Call it a gameplay trailer.

Eh, yes, but also the humor of the time was generally pretty rapey. A lot of jokes from that era haven’t aged well.

Hyde also had a rule about “no touchy” with his hair. While I get you can’t equate a character with the actor, you can’t deny an actor’s ability to influence a character/dialog or have some “input” during rehearsals.

It’s certainly true that some good games, especially indie games, don’t get discussed much - and not just not on social media, but at all.

Incels are involuntarily celibate. If you turn it into a lifestyle and you choose to be it as like a point of pride, you’re not incel, you’re volcel with just a bunch more steps.

I read this literally, and for a moment I thought you were trying to change the subject—like when they used to post a “Reasonable Discussions” article on Wednesdays, as a sort of open thread?

LOL. Tell us more about how good you are at Souls games.